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Personal toughts on traitlines and their problems: Mesmer edition.


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The Mesmer is very chaotic in his traitlines, and has not many two handed weapons. Basically one of the problem is the lack of support weapons, so I suggest to add one two handed weapons for the vanilla Mesmer. Personally I think a supportive will be good for the support spec of chrono. For the virtuoso the other weapons don’t seems to fit very well in the second hand, I think he will need a second dagger with the specialization. So let’s start.

Domination: Based on power dps, interruptions and shatter, probably is the more clear traitline of the Mesmer actually.

Duel: Interruptions and critical hits.

-“Duelist’s discipline” should be focused on power dps, so the bleeding addiction is out of place. Better change the bleeding with vulnerability.

-“Phantasmal fury” it’s almost useless now, better rework it into a trait that will grant some alacrity to allies when illusions are shattered, with a cooldown. This will complete the chrono trait for the quickness on shatter.

-“Sharper images” bleeding is out of place, I think is better an aoe might share instead.

-“Evasive mirror” it’s ok, but better if work with blocks too and moved in the place of “Protected phantasms”.

Chaos: cdps and survival.

-“Method of madness” it’s easier to use with staff is use activate it everytime you blink.

-“Prismatic understanding” should be the condi damage gm trait, so it probably should give condi damage after a stealth.

-“Bountiful disillusionment” should give stability to allies too.

Ispiration: heal and boons.

-“Protected phantasm” should be swapped with “Evasive mirror” and changed to a trait for the newly added bow.

Illusion: condi dps and shatter.

-“Phantasmal haste” I think must become the shatter master trait for illusions, so I suggest to change it into gain quickness and/or superspeed after a shatter.

The elite specs made by the base traits should be:

Chaos+Illusions: Mirage, actually very clear as a condi dps elite spec. Weapons set: axe1, scepter, torch.

Domination+Dueling: the “Cockblocker”? The “Dreamwalker”? A spec based on interruptions and pdps damage. Weapons set: Main hand pistol with the elite spec, based on third hit daze, then pistol and sword for second hand.

Chaos+Ispiration: the “mastemind” maybe? Self healing, damage reduction and a traitline based on reflect a portion of the damage you evade or block, a tank. Weapons set: Staff, focus and with the specialization a mace in first hand.

Illusions+Domination: incoming with EoD, the Virtuoso is the “flex” spec. I think he base his dps on spamming the shatter. Probably he will need just a bit of shattering power in his traitline, but it looks very cool and balanced. Weapons set: Greatsword, but in the swap he should wield both daggers, not only one.

Ispiration+Dueling: the chrono should be the support role, but actually he cannot be complete as only the ispiration traitline provide a truly support to the chronomancer one. Dueling need some good option to work with them. Weapons set: Sword and shield, then the newly added vanilla bow.

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