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Returning ranger


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I've been away for a year or two so I'm well behind on the class. I'm having a go at the game again and always enjoy the ranger (Level 80 soulbeast)


However, just a couple of questions that are causing me a lot of frustration because I'm sure you could do these things before and I cant seem to do them now;


Can you revive a fallen pet in combat? they seem to be standing there at 2HP.

Can you swap in combat? I have no option or the button is greyed out.

Is there any way to avoid having no pet if you get dismounted? as i keep getting stuck alone in combat if my mount dies, unable to equip a pet.


Sorry for basic questions, but it has been a few days now and these are getting very annoying.


Many thanks.


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Soulbeast is still a little bit buggy, better than yesterday still less than ideal. Ranger in general has plenty of those so i would advise you to have some patience. 

7 minutes ago, MysticRoots.5463 said:

Can you revive a fallen pet in combat? they seem to be standing there at 2HP.

Trait Natural_Healing will revive your pet slowly, it ticks while the pet is deafeated. Going in and out of beasttmode will also revive the pet. 

7 minutes ago, MysticRoots.5463 said:

Can you swap in combat? I have no option or the button is greyed out.

No, that option is no available anymore in soulbeast. 

7 minutes ago, MysticRoots.5463 said:

Is there any way to avoid having no pet if you get dismounted? as i keep getting stuck alone in combat if my mount dies, unable to equip a pet.

When that happens you need to go in and out of beastmode. Your pet will be back with you.

This also happens if you jump into the water while mounted. 



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