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[Deadeye] Question about Improvisation recharge effect and Cantrips


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As the title says, the wiki says Improvisation will recharge one skill category including Physicals from the Daredevil spec. But the wiki does not state it does the same for Cantrips nor do I recall ever seeing my cantrips recharge upon using Mark. So I can only assume it doesn't. Is the wiki not up to date and I am just having bad luck with Improv RNG and my cantrips or does Improv not recharge cantrips?

Also if someone could answer this bonus question:If I have unlocked both daredevil and deadeye but only have one elite spec equipped, will the other elite's utilities still be part of Improv's RNG or does it only apply to the utility type I have access to? Like for example, as a Deadeye I use Mark to proc Improv and Physicals are selected for recharge anyway despite having no access to them.

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I've had it recharge my cantrips before so I know that parts true. It has an icd now so hard to tell sometimes since it wont recharge something every mark and most cantrips aren't going to be on cool down at beginning of a fight when you mark right off the bat. Won't really come into play unless you're constantly fighting >20 sec.

As for 2nd question, I was wondering same the other day, not sure though. I would hope it wouldn't include other elite spec skill categories since they're technically standalone products, would be kinda cheap, esp farther down the road when more specs are added and dilutes the skill pool. The skill would only get worse as expacs get released. Only way to know for sure is if a dev answers, unfortunately. That's kind of behind the scenes code and not really testable on players end. Hopefully they coded that properly. Sorry for lack of real answers ?

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