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Looking for a NA guild


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Greetings!! I'm Firekatt and I'm one of the many that are looking for a great guild to run content with. Now, I've searched through the forums, Reddit and other places and always see the same thing over and over. "We're friendly, we're casual, we do a lot/most content, we have scheduled events". Everyone pretty much says the same thing. So, for the first time ever, I'm posting that I'm looking for a guild!!


What I'm wanting....

Yes, a friendly, casual guild

Yes, scheduled events

Yes, an active guild

However, also a guild that does spontaneous events. Fractals, dungeons, strikes and such on a regular basis.

A guild that not only has Discord for voice chats and out of game announcements and such, but also has an active, in game, text chat

A guild that encourages participation but also discourages "clicks"

Family friendly and knows that real life comes first


What I do not want.....

Multi-gaming communities. There are some good ones out there, but not my cup of tea as I usually just play the one game

Extra-large guilds where lots of members are inactive

Extra-large guilds in general

Guilds that promise the world but then do not deliver

Guilds that primarily "hang out" in voice chat. I have a wife and kids and I prefer to talk with them while gaming...unless I'm doing an event with my guild.


A bit about me....

I'm older, 49, married with 4 kids. I work full-time and my schedule varies from day shifts to night shifts and weekends. I'm a long time vet of MMO's in general and have been an officer and/or guild leader in several. I've been in GW2 for over a year now so kinda know my way around.

Hit me up in game, Firekatt.7649 by either mail or dm if you think your guild and me may be a good fit.


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4 hours ago, Firekatt.7649 said:

Greetings!! I'm Firekatt and I'm one of the many that are looking for a great guild to run content with. Now, I've searched through the forums, Reddit and other places and always see the same thing over and over. "We're friendly, we're casual, we do a lot/most content, we have scheduled events". Everyone pretty much says the same thing. So, for the first time ever, I'm posting that I'm looking for a guild!!


What I'm wanting....

Yes, a friendly, casual guild

Yes, scheduled events

Yes, an active guild

However, also a guild that does spontaneous events. Fractals, dungeons, strikes and such on a regular basis.

A guild that not only has Discord for voice chats and out of game announcements and such, but also has an active, in game, text chat

A guild that encourages participation but also discourages "clicks"

Family friendly and knows that real life comes first


What I do not want.....

Multi-gaming communities. There are some good ones out there, but not my cup of tea as I usually just play the one game

Extra-large guilds where lots of members are inactive

Extra-large guilds in general

Guilds that promise the world but then do not deliver

Guilds that primarily "hang out" in voice chat. I have a wife and kids and I prefer to talk with them while gaming...unless I'm doing an event with my guild.


A bit about me....

I'm older, 49, married with 4 kids. I work full-time and my schedule varies from day shifts to night shifts and weekends. I'm a long time vet of MMO's in general and have been an officer and/or guild leader in several. I've been in GW2 for over a year now so kinda know my way around.

Hit me up in game, Firekatt.7649 by either mail or dm if you think your guild and me may be a good fit.


oh yes, hehe tht would be really awesome/amazing if u were able to find a guild tht fit your criteria. tht abit about wht im looking for as well. im farely new to gw2. played bk when PoF had just released / was releasing but i didnt get far cuz my friend at the time quit playing. and then i somehow lost my account. and didnt remember the cc i used on it. so ehre i had to use another account i had made to be able to even contact customer suppert..


x.x but to skip the hassle i just upgraded this account so here i am. and yes i find too tht alot of guilds say the same thing. but then just ignore u and or barely even help u or do the minimum just to keep u hanging around. and it sucks abit. cuz im am a avid gamer and i been playing mmo's since 2003. my first online rpg was d2 lod back in like 2001. so i mean ive been active in the onine community for abit. and well its just not wht i used to be sadly. but sorry for the long rant. i wish u the best in finding what your looking for!! Happy hunting!

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Hi Firekatt! I think our guild may check the boxes for a lot of what you're looking for, and honestly you sound like you'd fit right in with a lot of our members. We have scheduled and unscheduled fractals/dungeons/strikes. We have scheduled raids/fractals/dungeons. I run spontaneous strikes nearly every day myself, and guildies get first dibs on spots!


However, I'll be honest with you that we are a multi-game guild. However 2.0, most of us stick to the game we joined with. I think we only have 2-3 cross-gamers in our GW2 chapter. 


Keep in mind, we do have a 30+ age requirement.


Our guild Tyrs Paladium would like to have you! We are an enforced no drama 30+ adult guild. Casual is king with us, teamwork and enjoyment are a focus point. NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. We are a mid sized guild, but keep everyone close. Everyone knows everyone in Tyrs!

If you're interested in joining, see below! 

Do some research on us here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/125043/tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild-na-tyrs

Fill out an application here: https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

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