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Please fix warrior movement skills, it's been long enough


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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This engi knows warrior. I disagree with their stance on rush, but they have a pretty good idea what they're talking about.You're right about the nuance of the situation though.

The problem is warrior doesn't have enough damage mitigation. 

I would rather Anet adjust some of the mitigation skill cooldowns by 5-10 seconds instead of attempting to rework rush/bulls charge at this time. Yes, rush and charge are susceptible to wonkiness, but it would be less of a gamble to just get stance cooldowns reduced, shield cooldown reduced instead of hoping Anet mechanically reworks that skill in a way that satisfies both pve and pvp. 

The problem with stances for me is that they have little to no depth to their design and aren't fun to play with or against. Bladesworn is actually really cleverly designed where you get a bunch of multi hit attacks with backloaded damage to trade with blind spam more efficiently and some good range pressure so people can't just run in circles around you as much. Those two things alone really help warrior feel like a more complete package, and you get a bit of aegis sprinkled in. Warrior just needs extra tools like these like other specs have been getting every expac. Seems like ANet is a bit scared of making warrior too complicated because it's supposed to be the easiest class to get into (even though in PvP it's far from it). Now that cc doesn't do damage there's no reason not to give warrior new toys to play with because that was a big reason why it was so hard to balance before (think way back with hambow for example).

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59 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This engi knows warrior. I disagree with their stance on rush personally, but personal experience tells me they have a pretty good idea what they're talking about.

You're right about the nuance of the situation though. I don't have much of an issue with the warrior movement skills since I've gotten used to how they work (so I didn't feel like I needed to comment), but I wanted to point out that the dashes being wonky at times is an issue because warrior has issues with reliable damage avoidance in general.

The problem is warrior doesn't have enough damage mitigation for what it's expected to deal with at this time.

I would rather Anet adjust some of the mitigation skill cooldowns by 5-10 seconds instead of attempting to rework rush/bulls charge at this time. Yes, rush and charge are susceptible to wonkiness, but it would be less of a gamble to just get stance cooldowns reduced, shield cooldown reduced instead of hoping Anet mechanically reworks that skill in a way that satisfies both pve and pvp. 


Endure pain, Shield Stance, and Zerker Stance in particular can all stand to have cd's reduced. If these dashes havent been fixed for the entirety of warrior's presence in this game, let's not hope for a Hail Mary so that they can finally disengage with it and focus on the things that are more reliable and direct to address. 

You are absolutely right. But,  i want the movement skills reworked. This is not for warrior,  but for other classes as well.  I dont want to evade dmg from other classes due to failed movement skill.  If the other class was going to land an attack and i didnt do the right skill,  then i should be punished for it. 

It is best for all if bugs are removed.  I also havr heard about the pistol bug from my friend,  anf i full support to remove the bug. 

I just want skills to do what they are intended to do, whether it benefits the class or not. 

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