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Returning Any-Time [NA] Player Looking For Guild & Friends


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A little background to boot:

I've been a very casual solo player over the course of many years, but I've only ever gone so far as to pop online a couple of days at a time, a few times a month. It usually goes something like; play character Russian roulette, spend a handful of hours putzing around, inevitably get distracted or tired, and call it a night- only after running around (the entire time) meticulously and methodically working on whatever random story/map completion I just happen to fancy on that particular day. 


But a little bit here, a little bit there, divided amongst only a short fraction of time every month, spread across 10+ characters (that I could never just settle into a main on)... and I've really just gotten myself nowhere after all this time. 


I'm honestly just sick of my own shenanigans! I'm in love with this game... but I keep shooting myself in the foot with being unable to focus, and really enjoy everything GW2 has to offer. 


What I'm hoping to find:

So, here I am, wishing upon a star, that there's a guild out there that would be willing to help me set up a bit of structure and guidance to get me past my beginner-like plateau. Help me learn how to do raids, fractals, missions, various end-game content, and all that good stuff that I really haven't gotten to do yet. Bonus: I'd particularly love making friends that would be dedicated enough to play along with me, keep me engaged, entertained, and prevent my stupid ADHD brain from wandering...


- North America

- My schedule is completely open, so any play time works for me

- Discord would be great

- 18+ would be even better (I'm a 20-something year old goof, with humor that is not exactly the pinnacle of ladylike)

- [I did actually narrow my character base down to three prospective mains (because honestly, picking just one was too hard)] Thief (possibly to be Daredevil), Mesmer (possibly to be Chronomancer), and Necromancer (possibly to be Reaper).


Thank you for taking the time to read a poor soul's cry for companionship! If you have any good fits (or even semi-fitting) guilds and/or pals for me, please, let me know!

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Hi Echomuze!  Sounds like you might be a good fit for Remnants of Hope.  We run every mode (fractals, WvW, living world, guild missions, sPvP, strike missions, raids) once or twice a week, so you can dig into one playstyle if you want to.  Or you can try them all--no judgment!

For the new member experience, check out some of the comments in our GW2 forum thread.  As far as ages go, we accept members 13 and up, but most of our members are adults with jobs and stuff.  

Hope you find what you are looking for!

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Shrieking Quokkas is fairly newish, and still small, just clocked over 50 members (probably because I got busy and stopped recruiting) we do have a guild hall and the interior decorators are having fun in there.
The bonus of us being a relatively small guild is we don't have any long term cliques and so far no overinflated egos.

There's a decent mix of interests in game and we're currently working on setting up a roster of pve activities. Anything you want to do just give a shout and people are likely to jump onboard for the fun of it. We're very happy for you to run your own regular group if you want to. Or if you're really bored you can turn me into your own personal taxi service. Been done before so why not.
Timezones are split between SEA and US times, though most of the Discord voice activity seems to be Aussie daytimes though we'd like to build up the evening crowd a bit more especially given the guild leaders are in Oz.

I'd like to see voice chat get busier because it's a great space to toss ideas about but it's not mandatory. We don't insist on repping either, you're an adult so your choice, though it's nice when people do.We'll help you if you ask and like to brainstorm ideas but we won't order you around that's WAY too much work and this is supposed to be fun., besides everyone plays the game their own way.

As for why Quokkas...... well drop into the Discord and we'll tell you. Maybe you'd like to make us one of your 5 Guilds to hang out with.

This Discord link may be permanent or it may self destruct at random intervals, only Discord knows!


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