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I saw this video on YouTube of a DKLT raid with comms and they had so much Scottish pride, playing SCOTLAND FOREVER for the entire duration of their raid. God bless. Aurust leads with such charisma and grace. I truly admire Aurust and DKLT for taking a stand against the rampant guild drama and toxicity of their server, Jade Quarry and in the world versus world community.Ever since I saw DKLT in action I have dreamed of one thing: moving to Jade Quarry to join the legendary fight guild DKLT and be in the presence of the killer commander Aurust. He has such courage to stand up against the constant blob nature of Jade Quarry and run advanced builds with his prestigious guild of skilled players to fight Blackgate map queue blobs with his twenty-man group alone and win. Truly next-level talent and skill. God Bless.

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Oh this guild has really experienced WvW leaders in it, I'd highly recommend them to new players getting involved in WvW. You know it's funny, a lot of primarily PVE players will complain about sPvP/WvW toxicity and say that the bad attitudes are part of the reason they aren't interested in WvW. Well, the two guild leaders of DKLT are really good about making a drama-free environment for people to play WvW and a lot of the complaints that PvE players have about WvW don't apply to this guild. They're pretty understanding about things too. Like I remember when one of their guild members got interested in streaming on twitch but he was having trouble getting his stream setup the right way. He had trouble hiding the chat panel and I think he was streaming the voice comms too (oops!) but it was really cool how they handled it. Most WvW guilds would freak out about something like this (omg spies are going to watch your stream, omg our guild chat is private omg, etc.) but DKLT was just really cool about it and helped him fix that stuff.

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I've heard their guild leaders are really level-headed and don't lash out at guild members trying to do the right thing. Because as we all know, while punishing someone for doing the wrong thing is acceptable the surest way to get somebody to up and leave is to punish them for doing the right thing. DKLT leadership understands this and would never berate a guild member in public, in front of everyone, where people can record and post it for the rest of world to see.

I've also heard they have 0 conflict of interests in their guild leadership. I.e. they don't have anyone in leadership who maybe shouldn't be there but are there anyway due to extra-game relationships. Truly a guild filled with integrity from the top-down.

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@Honest John.4673 said:I am an active WvW player who is willing to put forth the effort to get better, take constructive criticism, run proper builds, and be on voice comms. Can I join DKLT?

@Geneticide.6987 said:I too would like to join DKLT, I heard their leader Aurust treats all their members fairly, has no bad history, and never gets 1pushed resulting in negative KDR every raid. Where do I sign up?

Hey everyoneWe are now on JQ, so if you are in this server and If you want to join DLTK, please read this information:

DKLT RAID TIMES AND DRIVER DAYS We WvW Raid 7 days a week, our raids start at 9pm EST and will go till between 2-4am EST

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday is Aurust >He is also the guild leader<Sunday and Monday is Centurion LionbloodTuesday is Aspenire

DKLT IS ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERSDKLT is a community guild where people from all over the world can join, where we will help new and returning players come into WvW and learn in an enviroment where you will not be cursed at and belittled. We are looking for Active WvW players who are willing to put forth the effort to get better, take constructive criticism, run proper builds, and be on voice comms.

If you feel that you can be an active WvW player who will be repping us during raids, be on discord, and be on a level 80 with a proper build and gear for WvW, then please contact:Demonic Temptress (Sophie.6098) >She is a guild leader<Dallandra.8563 >She is a guild officer and she speak French, so she can help you to enjoy your DKLT experience in that language<Dancelt.4076 >I am a guild officer and I speak Spanish, so I can help you to enjoy your DKLT experienci in that lenguage<

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@Dancelt.4076 said:an enviroment where you will not be cursed at and belittled.

I'm glad you can confirm that I won't be cursed at or belittled. Especially if, say, a guild leader is going off the handle and I tell everyone to calm down then get told to shut thef uck up I get to act as childish and immature as I want and no one gets to tell me otherwise or else I'll rip their head off and embarrass them in front of everyone, non-guild members included. Especially if that guild leader is clearly unfit to be a guild leader and only one because they are the significant other of another guild leader. :^)

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@Athunin.6589 said:I saw this video on YouTube of a DKLT raid with comms and they had so much Scottish pride, playing SCOTLAND FOREVER for the entire duration of their raid. God bless. Aurust leads with such charisma and grace. I truly admire Aurust and DKLT for taking a stand against the rampant guild drama and toxicity of their server, Jade Quarry and in the world versus world community.Ever since I saw DKLT in action I have dreamed of one thing: moving to Jade Quarry to join the legendary fight guild DKLT and be in the presence of the killer commander Aurust. He has such courage to stand up against the constant blob nature of Jade Quarry and run advanced builds with his prestigious guild of skilled players to fight Blackgate map queue blobs with his twenty-man group alone and win. Truly next-level talent and skill. God Bless.

The current sad state of WvW means that while JQ is trying to fight the Blackgate map queue blobs, what I saw last night it was JQ and DKLT running the map queue blob in EBG against YB and FA.

While I agree with the OP that the fights were amazing, I never had any doubt about their outcome. My only hope is that there will be skill balance in WvW so eventually our unqueued EBG pugmanders will be able to compete against the relatively overstacked.

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