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Siege Turtle bug thread

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Bugs I've found so far with the Siege Turtle:

  • Gunner gets killed instantly if fall damage is high enough, driver is fine, just dismounts them.
  • The mount button (the one next to skills) can go on a 30+ second CD. This can happen from the above bug.
  • Edit2: Gunner Bond of Faith does NOT go on CD.

Edit: I guess the mount CD bug was intentional... I was unaware.

Edited by firewire.4813
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7 minutes ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

I don't think your first 2 are bugs. There's usually a cooldown if you use a mount skill to dismount, or you take fall damage enough to knock you off the mount. Though realistically, if the fall damage was high enough, both players should sustain significant damage or both be killed instantly.

You are correct, I didn't know about the cooldown thing.

For the fall damage, it actually kills the gunner when it probably should just dismount them, making it consistent with the driver (that's how it works for all the other mounts).

Edited by firewire.4813
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3 minutes ago, firewire.4813 said:

You are correct, I didn't know about the cooldown thing.

For the fall damage, it actually kills the gunner when it probably should just dismount them, making it consistent with the driver (that's how it works for all the other mounts).


Yes, they have quite a few things to work out with this Turtle before it goes live in the expansion.

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Siege attack skill for gunner can get stuck in water mode.


If driver mounts the turtle underwater then goes onto land, then gunner mounts the turtle, they will have the water version of the attack skill that requires a direct target, not ground targetable.


If gunner dismounts and remounts it is still stuck.


If driver dismounts and remounts turtle, and gunner remounts, it is still stuck on the water version.


Solutions I have foundare:

Have the driver take the turtle underwater then back on land while the gunner is mounted.

Or the gunner can dismount, enter water, then return to land and mount the turtle.



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