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Fast Casting instead of Alacrity for Chronomancer


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The improved alacrity trait already exists.


On top of that they have c-split and chronophantasma. Not to mention access to quickness and mimic.


Chronomancer already has what is arguably a stronger version of fast casting then the original GW1 mesmer had. The OP is basically asking for Improved Alacrity to be replaced with a weaker, unique stacking buff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was away from the forums so I couldn't answer some of the replies so here's why I made the suggestion.
As I mentioned in the OP, when  Chrono came out Alacrity was it's unique characteristic; it was (and still is) it's core mechanic. But the moment other professions started getting their hands on it, Chrono got nerfed. Now other professions are doing what Chrono used to do, but better.
By removing Chrono from it's alacrity leash, better and more creative adjustments can be made to the Spec as it would no longer be restricted by a boon which is now tied to other Specs. Although this suggestion would not have a huge initial effect, I believe it would  serve the spec better in the long run.
 Fact of the matter is that Alacrity is a boon and therefore should no be a core mechanic.

Also for those saying that "quickness is fast-casting". Technically yes, but also kind of no. Unlike GW1, most of out skills don't have long casting times. The closest we have to those cast times are the channeled skills, and for the mesmer in particular there are only like 6. So by recharging skills faster, you therefore can use skills more frequently/faster , hence me calling it "fast casting".

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