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Returning player looking for Trans/LGBT friendly space to learn the game


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I am an MMO vet but only played a little bit of GW2 as i dont know anyone in the game but really want to try more. I have some lvl 80s but honestly just used them to fully unlock mounts and now i am leveling a guardian who i think i want to stick with.

I am freshly out as a trans woman to the point where i havent told anyone i know, so i want a community where i can casually play but feel safe enough to be me.

I am interested in most aspects of the game but dont totally understand a lot of it yet so please treat me as a noob but i want to learn. I love exploring, events and just hanging out on disc, but would love to try dungeons raids or pvp (if for no other reason than some outfits i want).

Really want to get into gw2 since my other MMOs arnt really clicking, but need a community to do so, so if you are lgbt supportive, patient to questions and active please let me know!

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If you have not found a guild yet but need a friend to play with now and then, feel free to send me a messsage in game. I am a bi gender fluid EU player that is also looking for others to play with. I have had the game for a long time, but never really played much till now. I am still exploring a lot of stuff too.

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Hi! Even as a straight woman, I understand the need to find a community (online or irl) that you can feel safe to be yourself in. I took up online gaming last year when my therapist recommended it as a way to combat the extreme isolation and anxiety I was experiencing during the pandemic. The guild I found has really helped me through some nasty days, and I would encourage you to take a look at it if you like. I'm part of the guild Remnants of Hope. Please also feel free to message me to chat more or ask me any questions. Most of all, I hope you find a space that feels like home. Here's a link for more info. https://www.remnantsofhope.com/review/gw2/

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In Proschemata we welcome any and all people, no matter their identity or orientation - people are people and people are valid!

We're focusing on the casual PvE helpful community side of GW2. Currently we're small but working on getting those guild benefits - next week we're taking that Guild Hall for ourselves! 

Like Veritas Vita mentioned above, I do hope you find a place to call home and people to call friends wherever that may be!



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Hi there!  Following up on Veritas' suggestion, although RoH is not an LGBTQ+ guild, we have a lot of LGBTQ+ members and leaders, including nonbinary and transgender members, as well as allies.  In addition, one of the ways we maintain an inclusive, non-toxic atmosphere is through a Code of Conduct and a disciplinary system to enforce it.  If you would like to see the experience of new members with our community and daily guild events, check out our thread a bit further down the forum.


Hope you find what you are looking for! (And good luck on the guild hall Proschemata!)

Edited by Skaal.9362
spelling :)
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