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Small yet impactfull renegade F4 change suggestion.


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"Orders from Above" replacement idea - since f4 is in majority useless, (not synergizing with whole of renegade machanics; not fitting the profession flavour ) and we lacks survivability both in pve and pvp why not completely rework it in following fashion:

  • ambushers retreat - activating a skill consumes all of your kalla farvor (or half of the cap amount - this way it could use ammunition mechanics) making you dash backward through the mists (similar fashion to riposting shadows), healing for a small/moderate amount and leaving enemies slowed (at the place of skill activation).

This way we not only hit the flavour of "ambusher" which Kalla legend -at least on paper - aim toward but given the mobility it allows us for more survivability and thus some pvp possabilities - like shiro / mallyx combo, etc.

It's fair trade off imo - you sacriface a lot of dps buff for sake of surviving and cc not mention it's hell more interesting / fitting revenant overall theme and mechanics than current skill.

This post is a suggestion for anet from a concerned rev fan (yes, meybe i'm naive but who knows, meybe someone will actually read this post and think it through) as well rev players - please give me your feedback :3

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