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Bots, WinTraders, Afk Players, Wierd MMS


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Hi All,

          I know u all already know what i will tell u. Because u all already tasted this kitten many times. Normally i wasnt playin but i decided to make armors. Honestly i gave up after 4rd season and was playin a little.
         But this season i experinced lots of wierd things, for example;

          * Ppl suddenly deciding go afk during the match, even while we leading like 50-100 points. of course we losing 4 vs 5. This happend a few times. But experiencde lots of afk players. Going afk is not reguried Penalty ?

         * Also Bots that most ppl already complaing about it. They goes close or mid and if they stuck in some wierd situtation they goes afk :)

         * Wintraders but this sub-topic mostlikely contains all of topics that i already wrote. While we losing or wining on my team or enemy team wierdly some1 dc. Those sudden dc's never happen while leading XD

         *MMS this is the point that i dont get it. İ made 3 games on and on with same 6-7 ppl, just 3-4 ppl was chaning.

Also a few changes must be happen i guess,
Trapper Runes Stealth and Superspeed buff must have CD. Ppl already start abusing it.
And Flamethrower engi need a bit nerf, at least maybe range of flamethrower and less mights.

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I will say that the matchmaking is very bizare. I'm usually in gold 3, maybe a bit lower or higher depending on wining or losing streaks, and  every few games the matchmaking system puts me with players who don't even know how to PvP, don't know their class, don't know the enemy class, don't know basic map mechanics, etc.


I thought I was just imagining it but the other day a few players were talking about how if they win the game they'll be promoted to silver, in a top-tier gold division matchup.


I guess the population has become so low especially during the festivals that there's just no way for there to be a matchup unless players of all skill levels are just being randomly thrown in. It feels like the devs have widened the tolerance window for it more and more over the years.


It also puts you with the same players alot, barely changing up the teams, even if the previous matchup was a blowout. Players have to resort to all sorts of tactics like adding others to their friends list just to avoid duplicate matches over and over, even with the higher matchmaking tolerance.


I've come to realise its why we take most of our losses, and why its so hard to climb now.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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