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Not to sound corny, but technically its fan made content...! I Need your help!

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I'm gonna start out with a TL;dr, as i know you guys dont have time for fluff...but I have...WE have conceived another Tyrian! My baby is gonna know ALL about Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 lore and even have their own account ready to play with mumma and diddy! What things do I need or you recommend I get for my baby(s) boy/girl for their account other than all of the Expacs?! PLEASE!

its still processing but im telling the whole world RN!
IMMA DADDY! https://media3.giphy.com/media/12QBgS1xGmP0rK/giphy.gif?cid=82a1493boc0f5834q39r99t5jnv66hggsugjrdg2tv2p3tl4&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

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