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Bladesworn Criticisms: Dragon Trigger


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7 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

These ratios are purely from a damage effort comparison to the AA chain. Any other effects are not accounted for. Boost is great for mobility, and if paired with UD can be a great CC and is something that would not be accounted for in the ratio.

But that ratio and knowing what they are across a weapon set gives you insight on what is worth using for when you actually want to damage something. 

But Force? That is entirely for damage, and you are better off just using the GS AA chain if you are looking for damage. Self rooting for a multi second stun is a 0 sum game, so even taking into consideration the stun on UD I would not consider the skill worth using outside of a team fight where a buddy stealths me so I cancharge the stun. But one stunbreak negates all that effort.

That’s part of why, in my opinion, the critical skill in the kit is not dragon trigger, but Blooming Fire. If Blooming Fire hit how it should (should be around Maul, or a level 2.5 eviscerate over 240 range), then the kit would function much better by having the ability to actually produce melee range pressure. 

Utility on other skills would be nice as well (weakness on artillery slash, full block on cyclone, 600 range break step). But Blooming Fire is the most critical imo.

Edited by oscuro.9720
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59 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I actually agree with you, despite the post. The post was more to highlight how dumb it is right now. Obviously, as a warrior main, I wouldn’t mind a 20k burst after eating one or two from a range before…

Jokes aside, I don’t think Dragon Trigger is the biggest issue with the kit. Imo, blooming fire is the lynchpin skill rn, as it is the melee pressure source for the kit, and presently is a wet noodle. It should be comparable to maul imo (the cast, cool down, etc. are all very comparable presently).

On top of that, adding real utility to a few of the other skills would drastically change its viability, regardless of Dragon Trigger. Artillery slash gives cripple, that should be weakness so Blade can mitigate damage better. Cyclone Trigger should be a full block instead of a projectile reflect then speed up the cast so that it can be used in a more reactionary manner. Break step should be 600 range or give some sort of associated boon (aegis/superspeed)

For adding more effect to Dragon Slash, I don’t know what you could honestly do without making it OP in some way. For 2.5s and 100 resource that takes a decent bit of time to build, the payoff has to be inherently big, whether it’s damage or utility. 
Perhaps something like;

Immortal Dragon: heal on all explosions, then heal per charge (500) in an area around you?

Unyielding Dragon: Pulse the might to allies around you (does it already do this I don’t remember)?

Unyielding Dragon: Pulse stability per charge?

Those might work better, but I honestly don’t know. Still would need more damage than it presently has. 

Sounds like we're in full agreement. DT aside, the gunsaber is too weak, and your ideas are good for how to allocate the necessary power budget toward saber skills 2-5 rather than toward having this mega burst skill. That being said, if your ideas were implemented, I think it would be fair to throw on some superspeed and maybe quickness that take effect post burst and scale with charge time. The idea would be that as a reward for standing still for 2.5s, you get tools for finishing off a surviving opponent. Thematically, these buffs would fit really well with the whole idea of standing calmly before exploding into impossibly quick actions. Another thought, perhaps a little too out there... what about an effect that increases the effectiveness of your 'on burst' abilities by a scaling amount? I'm thinking  adrenal health would heal for ~450/s after a fully charged hit, CI would cleanse 5 conditions, etc.  Regardless of the specific effects, I'm thinking these bonuses would be inherently a part of DT. The existing GM traits could be left as is or, ideally, improved.

Also, I know this thread is about DT, but I honestly think it would be fair for the off weapon set to retain a tier 3 burst. The gunsaber replaces an entire weapon set rather than adding something extra like berserk mode or FC. 

Edited by covahlam.6391
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