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Not sure where to post this. Making certain items available for purchase.


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  • Hello,
    I was just reading that certain dyes are part of the Delectable Birthday Dyes and after further reading, it looks as though you can only pick one color EVER! I want every dye there is as I love changing the colors of things. I enjoy this game a lot! I really want all the Delectable Birthday dyes. Please help me. Please suggest to the developers that the dyes would be more profitable if put up on the gem store or in the trading company. People would be willing to pay for them. Instead, they have 6 dyes that we can only ever claim one of. One of the six! That is because they have it once per account instead of once per character on the account. I WANT ALL SIX COLORS! I know it's not your fault, but I think it is dumb that I can only pick one of the six colors EVER! PLEASE tell the developers that it is more profitable to make the dyes available for purchase. Thank you!

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  • 1 year later...

These dyes will forever hurt my soul. As someones whos very much into building the best looks for my characters. I only have 6 years on my account, and 2 of the dyes are simply the BEST of their kind. I have to wait 4 years more to get both, in 2028 😕 

Its the biggest sucks ever. One of the great great things in gw2 is that they generally dont lock items away from being achieved like cash shop things rotate back over time. Its amazing because it literally makes me leave games if i cant farm the cool stuff and can only stare at others who have it. This feels different. Now it can be achieved but not with effort but with literal years of waiting. its the big sucks. BIG sucks.

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