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[EU] [PvE] Scared of Dungeons [SoD]


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Hello I'm Elwing, and I've spent past 4 years (with last 8 months in retirement) managing and running events in World of Warcraft community called Scared of Dungeons.

Since I've always liked Tyria more than Azeroth, I've retired to Tyria. But something didn't really feel right. Since the community is what brings the enjoyment to MMOs I've decided I'll try it once again.

So what is Scared of Dungeons exactly?

The idea started in 2018 with new expansion coming to WoW. With this forum post:


Are you a noob? Do you feel uncomfortable in a dungeon because of all the tactics? Is the story forcing you to finish a dungeon you don’t wish to do? They kick you from parties all the time? ARE YOU SCARED of dungeons?

We should help each other! 🙂

… or just you aren’t scared of human errors and wish to help those miserables…

Remember those times when gaming community wasn’t that toxic? When ppl laughed at wipes and were more friendly to each other? When party didn’t simply kick out anyone just because a few mistakes? I remember and would like to bring that back.


And that's basicaly it, those are the principles that me and later when the community grew our officers lived and played by. And I would like to do the same again here, in Guild Wars.

If you feel like trying out a dungeon, fractal, strike mission or even a raid (tho those are still somewhere high up even on my personal list) BUT you are affraid that everyone else knows them better. Or you just take few pulls more to understand a mechanic. I would like to create a guild that understands those needs. Takes the content slow at start and learn the stuff by playing. Not kicking people because "They pulled that pack that's skipped for 6 years! Everyone knows that..." and similar.


Now granted community in GW is much more laid back than in WoW it might not be as succesfull. But experience tells me there are a lot of players that feel intimidated when someone says dungeon out loud.

Or the first thing that new person in a guild sees is come, join our Discord. We raid 2 times per week make sure you come on time. (We will have discord tho, it's actualy not that bad, just not as a mandatory thing)

Representing the guild 100% optional. No need to run around with our tag or anything, just come and have fun.

TLDR: Casual friendly environment. Focused on instanced content and Open World stuff. Learn the instances by playing and wiping (if necessary).

Feel free to contact me here or ingame directly: Spuda.2501

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  • 4 weeks later...

First month is behind us, so quick recap. 

Got up to 27 members, haven't really recruited in game much in a while.

Discord server is up and running. 

We got a Guild Hall now, working on upgrades. Guild missions are on Saturday evenings and it's been good fun so far.

We're getting to know each other. Doing fractal runs pretty much daily. 


Still got room for more be it new players or players with experience they could pass on 🙂

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Hi, could I join please? I feel that this guild really fits the bill for what I'm looking for. I've been playing the game for 2 years now and not once have I set foot in a dungeon, fractal or raid but I would like to try and this would be a good start for me, plus I'd like to potentially make friends :)


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Is there activity in the guild or is it quite with very few representing (like other guilds I tried)? Cause I am looking for an active guild with a lively guild chat to call home. 


I've been playing GW1 since 2005, and GW2 since release so I am quite familiar with Tyria, and I do not mind helping new players with their first step in the world. :)


PS: I also enjoy the taste of roasted asura with a reduction rice wine sauce 😉

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We are month old now so yep as usual half of the online roster is iddling there quietly. But the active part is shaping really good so far 🙂 

Think most activity happens in the late afternoon/early evening central european.

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This sounds something me and my friends could be interested.
Well we are not scared of dungeons, quite the opposite, I love dungeons, that is the main thing I do enjoy and love in every game.
But I do not like pugs, I just cant force myself to play with modern day rush, rush, rush, run, run, meta this, meta that, speed run, aoe malarkey. 
I have not done a pug dungeon in years, I refuse to.
So what we are looking for is a guild to do a dungeons with, take the time to get familiar to the mechanics, potter around, take a peek around the corner, wipe 1000000 times and still laugh and try one more time 😂 
If you think you can offer us a place to be please contact: 


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1 hour ago, Octavo.8032 said:

This sounds something me and my friends could be interested.
Well we are not scared of dungeons, quite the opposite, I love dungeons, that is the main thing I do enjoy and love in every game.
But I do not like pugs, I just cant force myself to play with modern day rush, rush, rush, run, run, meta this, meta that, speed run, aoe malarkey. 
I have not done a pug dungeon in years, I refuse to.
So what we are looking for is a guild to do a dungeons with, take the time to get familiar to the mechanics, potter around, take a peek around the corner, wipe 1000000 times and still laugh and try one more time 😂 
If you think you can offer us a place to be please contact: 


Oh I definitely will 🙂 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys I am a 62 year old (so ancient) so called vet MMO player (first one was Ultima Online, but fell in love with DAoC) who returned 2 years ago to GW2 after an almost 6 year pause and have fallen in love with this game and now have the time to play it. My biggest problem is that my reflexes and fingers are not what they used to be (the price you pay for shooting millions of 7.62 and cal. 50 rounds and running around with lots of weight and jumping out of perfectly good aircraft as a sniper/Para) so my DPS will never be right up there but I am willing to learn and above all have fun. I am trying out a hybrid Scourge and really liking it atm and REALLY want to test the waters in Fractals but do not need the hassel of speed above all, as I want to really learn the different Fractals and work my way up to T4. Build and equip are taken from guides like Mukluk´s so I am not a total noob hehe but would love to be a part of a gang that just wants to have fun while learning the ropes.

If I have not bored you to tears and your mad enough to try out a typical humourless German I would be very happy to get a shout from you.

Regards Lauradana (a 6 foot 90 kilo former Para Sergeant major who tried to explain what Ad&D is to a bunch of tight arsed Paras around a campfire in the 80s where the laughter was great as I tried to explain the fact that I have a female Ranger................)

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I would like to join your guild, it sounds amazing chance to find similar minded ppl to run dungeons and fractals, well group content overall.
I only do dungeons when they are daily, but I'd like to do them more often, I want those nice fashion pieces from dungeons =D

I just want to have fun while playing the game and doing group content and not be fully stressed do I do the most optimal now or did I make a mistake. Farming and doing group content while having fun and laughing is the best thing you can ever have in MMOs.
I want to get more into fractals too, but well, I don't have anyone to run them with and I don't have the best gear (AR) etc.

Thank you, if more info is needed, ingame messages are fine =)

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