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Hi Deep Sea,


I am a returning player to GW2 and while I was here when the game launched more than a decade ago, I am a different player now, just as the game is different now from how I remember it.

I am a fan of the GW universe and an avid collector of all things GW. I own all physical collector’s editions of the games to date. 🙂

Life happened and I am now a proud dad of two wonderful kids who I hope will be introduced to the wonderful world of Guild Wars when they get older.

I prefer smaller guilds where getting to know eachother is more important than having the numbers to grind specific end game content.

My approach to gaming has become much more casual, but that’s a function of having to juggle several important things in real life now I guess.

This guild seems to fit the bill exactly of what I am looking for and what you expect from your members.

If you’ll have me I am looking forward to meeting you all.


Find me in-game as Symbolicka the Mesmer (for now at least) or account name Yskonyn.8469 .


Edited by Yskonyn.8469
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7 hours ago, Dreamatics.4987 said:

still recruiting? im on whiteside ridge EU healbrand + condi mirage enjoyer would love to join for any events im on uk time so im ingame right now and most days really.


5 hours ago, Yskonyn.8469 said:

Hi Deep Sea,


I am a returning player to GW2 and while I was here when the game launched more than a decade ago, I am a different player now, just as the game is different now from how I remember it.

I am a fan of the GW universe and an avid collector of all things GW. I own all physical collector’s editions of the games to date. 🙂

Life happened and I am now a proud dad of two wonderful kids who I hope will be introduced to the wonderful world of Guild Wars when they get older.

I prefer smaller guilds where getting to know eachother is more important than having the numbers to grind specific end game content.

My approach to gaming has become much more casual, but that’s a function of having to juggle several important things in real life now I guess.

This guild seems to fit the bill exactly of what I am looking for and what you expect from your members.

If you’ll have me I am looking forward to meeting you all.


Find me in-game as Symbolicka the Mesmer (for now at least) or account name Yskonyn.8469 .


 Invited you both 🙂

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I would be interested in joining your guild, if you think the below suits the guild.


I started playing GW2 way back at launch but stopped after a year or so. I have just returned, so I am playing quite a lot of catch-up with all the changes and expansions. I have started a couple of new characters (Necromancer and Mesmer), which currently are finishing up the original storyline before I move on to Living World and all the expansions. With my friends having moved on to other games, I am running solo at the moment (found out at least necro can solo most of the story-mode dungeons during leveling 😊).

As I have not experienced any of the expansions yet, this admittedly also means I can’t help out with much in the expansions before I have had the chance to go through these storylines. I fully understand if this is not progress enough for a membership.


I play Guild Wars 2 mainly to relax and have fun as I have a very demanding job in real life. This also means I can't promise to be online every day or at certain times. I do hope to find a guild of like-minded people though, where I can have some good fun, and do some of the group content and guild events. From this forum thread it seems like Deep Sea Monks could be the home for me (and I have always wanted to try out the monk class in my DnD group 😊).


My focus in game right now beside getting the hang of it again (and trying to figure out what class I want to focus on) is the story-mode experiencing all the lore and unlocking the warbeast mount in WvW. But some evenings I just log on for a world boss run for a couple of hours or a jumping puzzle or two (or you know spend another 2 hours trying to determine what type of blue my armor should have).


I am playing on EU.Desolation server if that matters.

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16 minutes ago, cani.6821 said:



I would be interested in joining your guild, if you think the below suits the guild.


I started playing GW2 way back at launch but stopped after a year or so. I have just returned, so I am playing quite a lot of catch-up with all the changes and expansions. I have started a couple of new characters (Necromancer and Mesmer), which currently are finishing up the original storyline before I move on to Living World and all the expansions. With my friends having moved on to other games, I am running solo at the moment (found out at least necro can solo most of the story-mode dungeons during leveling 😊).

As I have not experienced any of the expansions yet, this admittedly also means I can’t help out with much in the expansions before I have had the chance to go through these storylines. I fully understand if this is not progress enough for a membership.


I play Guild Wars 2 mainly to relax and have fun as I have a very demanding job in real life. This also means I can't promise to be online every day or at certain times. I do hope to find a guild of like-minded people though, where I can have some good fun, and do some of the group content and guild events. From this forum thread it seems like Deep Sea Monks could be the home for me (and I have always wanted to try out the monk class in my DnD group 😊).


My focus in game right now beside getting the hang of it again (and trying to figure out what class I want to focus on) is the story-mode experiencing all the lore and unlocking the warbeast mount in WvW. But some evenings I just log on for a world boss run for a couple of hours or a jumping puzzle or two (or you know spend another 2 hours trying to determine what type of blue my armor should have).


I am playing on EU.Desolation server if that matters.

Hi there,

No need to worry about progress!
We've got new players, returning players etc of all levels.

Our focus is having fun in whatever content, so just play when you want and when you have time and feel free to join any events when it suits you 🙂

Sent you an invite!

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