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Replacement for Bloodstone Fen Income?


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Over the last year or two I've spent a lot, and I mean a lot, of time in Bloodstone Fen farming Blood Rubies. Now that I have full sets of trinkets (back item, amulet, two rings) for all 9 of my characters, I'm kinda ready for something, or some things, different to do for half an hour or an hour each day. So I'm looking for (hopefully multiple) suggestions for things to do in GW2 with the following properties:

  • takes between 30 and 60 minutes
  • is PvE and should not require parties or squads or coordination via Teamspeak/Discord (so no raids, fractals, dungeons or PvP matches)
  • provides at least comparable income levels (I figure I get something like 4-5 gold each day on average in T5/6 crafting mats, rare materials, rare gear and various minor junk in Bloodstone Fen)

I'm willing to join a PoF bounty run or an EotM karma train (is that still a thing?) occasionally, but those are hit and miss, and I know from experience that I will soon get bored from just following a tag and bashing on particle effects for extended periods of time, so I'm looking for some alternatives.

Any suggestions?

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If you've only got 30-60min each day, and you'd like to make 4-5 gold, I'd recommend running the daily, which will net you 2g and change (from whatever loot may result). With the remaining 15-45min, you could tackle another LS3 map daily. If you have a few friends that you can run with most nights, a quick fractal may be the best way to go. If you're running solo, I think farming or joining a train (seasonal, bounty, karma, whatever) is likely your best option.

It sounds like you were intentionally farming BF, but that's wrapped up. You can really rotate your farming between a variety of maps and activities now. I occasionally pass on the daily if it's a bad combination and just farm, since I have similar play time per day. Ultimately, a daily completion with some farming should get you your 4-5g/day and give you some flexible game play within your limited time.

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To clarify, I already do the Daily Achievement, precisely because it generally is the quickest way to earn 2 gold each day. I also do the following quick (< 5 minutes each) activities with regularity:

  • farm quartz nodes in Dry Top
  • farm iron in the NW corner of Brisban Wildlands
  • farm platinum at the northern edge of Iron Marches
  • farm flax at Jaka Itzel (Verdant Brink)
  • farm elder wood at the shrines in Malchor's Leap/Straights of Devastation.

All of those are quick get-in-do-stuff-get-out jobs. I'm looking for one or more activities on top of all that, where I can spend 30-60 minutes farming with roughly similar earning potential as afforded by the same level of activity in Bloodstone Fen.The Mad Labyrinth is a great example - once you beat the annoying LfG mini-game and get into a map with a commander, it's a rather lucrative, low-pressure farm - but that's over now.PoF bounty runs or an EotM karma train can be unreliable to find, but both are possibilities when they're running.I'm generally not so good with other people and the pressure to perform, and I suck at PvP, hence why I try to avoid raids, fractals, dungeons or PvP matches.

In short, I guess what I'm asking is, what PvE farms (except for the ones mentioned above) exist in the game these days?

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Thanks for the clarification; you're already better at farming than I am! Off the top of my head:

  1. Run a map or two in PoF, mounted, going for flax and wood, while waiting for a group to come together for bounties (no harm in farming while you wait)
  2. Farm leather in Lake Doric
  3. Run a HoT meta, like AB vines

Rotating through some of these along with what you're already doing will get you some gold and fill your time, hopefully with enough variety.

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You can get Aurora (Legendary Accessory) if you want

Get all ls3 nodes

Farm unbound magic for both ls3 nodes and Magic-Warped Packet (best to buy in bloodstone fen and Bitterfrost frontier)

Buy 6 Pact Scout's Mapping Materials (5250 karma each(so total 31500 karma for 6) at a Pact Supply Network Agent (karma vendor)/wiki psna) it does Grants map bonus reward points for your current map when in Central Tyria. best currently is Frostgorge Sound (25g/40psmm) in week 2 and Fireheart Rise (21g/40psmm) in week 5. you can see this page for best map each week and which week it is: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward/profit or can reach that page from in-game at any time by typing /wiki mbrp .

Join a sw with +70-75% done or do sw cf

HoT meta

Home ins nodes + guild hall nodes (if you have any with nodes)

Do Tequatl or TT(=Triple trouble) world boss daily

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@crashburntoo.7431 said:

  1. Farm leather in Lake DoricHmm, I've always disliked that map and kinda dismissed the leather farm. I may have to give it a second look.

  2. Run a HoT meta, like AB vinesI tend to forget that HoT meta events are lucrative. Their strictly scheduled nature generally doesn't play well with my "ah, the kids are finally to bed, so now I have an hour to play before my own eyes droop closed" real-life schedule. :-) But I should keep those in mind, right.

@Robban.1256 said:

  1. You can get Aurora (Legendary Accessory) if you wantDude, I want to get money, not spend insane amounts of it. :-P

  2. Buy 6 Pact Scout's Mapping Materials (5250 karma each(so total 31500 karma for 6) at a Pact Supply Network Agent (karma vendor)/wiki psna) it does Grants map bonus reward points for your current map when in Central Tyria. best currently is Frostgorge Sound (25g/30psmm) in week 2 and Fireheart Rise (21g/30psmm) in week 5.Ooh, I've never paid much attention to those - might be a good sideline for income as well as a way to spend some of my 6 million karma.

  3. Join a sw with +70-75% done or do sw cfGood call! Pure chestfarming bores me out of my gourd, but the Silverwastes are an incredibly active area with lots of stuff to do, so thanks for reminding me.

  4. Home ins nodes + guild hall nodes (if you have any with nodes)I forgot to mention this, but I already do this. My WvW server community guild has a fully upgraded guild hall and my social guild has a low level guild hall, so I even get to gather from two sets of guild hall nodes.

  5. Do Tequatl or TT(=Triple trouble) world boss dailyI've never had any luck with the Triple Trouble meta event, even with those super organized runs. Tequatl was fun for a while but eventually got boring.

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