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(North America)Elite Contract Killers[EcK] Recruiting all thieves for full thief composition PvX content

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First and foremost, we will not allow Fairweather Players to come into our guild. While we understand that people have RL responsibilities we urge you to take care of those first and foremost. The family/RL comes first. Anyone joining the guild then leaving like a "fart in the wind" need not apply and will be blacklisted to prevent ghosting during our WvW shenanigans / griefing on discord.

Elite Contract Killers[EcK] is recruiting anyone dedicated to learning the thief and its subclasses. If new to the game & class or even if you aren't new to the game we welcome you and offer you advice and training into what you are looking for. We will take the time to show you tricks, tips, as well as theorycrafting you a build/equipment setup for the content you seek. We have very many plans to do with the guild and much theory/build craft goes on within the thief class on discord. While we may not be very active in guild chat itself, the discord(s) are very active in text and if anyone wants to voice chat, just ask in discord text and more than likely we will be there to talk/help you.

Right now were finishing up our full thief composition in the raid groups and touching a bit on WvW zerg ganking squads/havoc groups. Any input you have or have to offer to the guild would be appreciated and situated.

For example: 

Saerni A Leader and streamer, all around buildcrafter
Luto  A Streamer and all around thief fanatic
Devicon Our WvW Streamer and an officer
Sanjit: He handles our guild missions and guild hall when he has time
Leon: He is the leader of [TEEF] and a valuable assett in helping people learn and practice in buildcraft for thieves. TEEF is our official sister guild where we do most of our build discussions that are not yet ready for EcK posting. A Leader as well as a buildcrafter!
ZeroTheRuler: One of our raiders and buildcrafters to help us attain information and input on what would be more valuable in a group.

If you wish to aid the small growing community in a specified role such as Fractals, mentoring, buildcrafting, raids etc, Just ask us and we will find a spot(role) for you.

Right now we have a couple of viable single player builds for the WvW section but plan on doing zerg busting (yes, entire zergs will blow up if we catch them off guard)
and havoc squads. This is currently put on hold right now as the new EoD content and raids are our priority. Anyone wanting to help take up the time joining the guild to take on this role of WvW main are more than welcome to receive the mantle. Just speak with us! Majority of us are located on Darkhaven but we intend on joining our alliances in their server once we have the alliance system in place.


This is our main focus right now to find out what works and will not work. From our standpoint thief synergizes extremely well when playing with other thieves because we know how the class works and can leech off of our traits and combo fields extremely well. Once we get going no thief will be left behind in raids as you will have a thief family to help you through.

EoD and previous content:

We occasionally do achievements and fractals and have no issue helping you get your turtle egg and other achievements. Any further advice will be given if asked. 


Anyone interested in joining or looking up our information based on our discord please see this [link] here, verify up and read through our information. once you are verified please check your role to see if it has changed them pm me via discord/mail in game. Many achievements and goals to list. Pardon the extensive requirements to join as we need more core members and less Fairweather.

Other Supported Thief Youtubers:

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