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[NA] Epic one of a kind guild wanted


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I've been in many guilds over my time playing GW2 though the number 1 reason for me either losing interest or it not being right for me is lack of communication and connection among the members. I'd really like to find a guild that caters to players 21 or older, is open to nearly any conversation without judgement (within appropriate range of course), and the member list isn't too large and has super chill people. Feel free to send me a mail message in-game, I'm looking forward to finding where I belong. 🙂

Interested in PvE mostly, and my server is Eredon Terrace.


Edited by Caitybee.3614
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The only way to know if we are right for you is to come see for yourself. While we have never excluded any age ranges, we tend to typically have a majority over their 20's but we have some who are younger as well but they have always seemed to fit in just fine.
Anyway, here is a link to the web page we have made to showcase who we are, we have some videos we have made, a collection of quotes of things we have said out of context, etc.

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