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Gem Store Guild Name Change Contract Item Needed :(

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After creating some guild names, I'm sure players who created the names have a change of heart years later after playing the game. I'm sure I'm not the only player out there whos made a guild and regretted making a bad name that they are stuck with. I wish there was a name change contract for Guilds just like player names. Originally I made my guild for pvp but I began to play alot of pve, and fractals so the name kinda seemed silly. I just wish there was a way to change it 😑

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Guild Name Changes

As a guild leader, you may request a guild name or [tag] change by contacting support. Please be sure to include the following information in your ticket:

    Five potential names for your guild, in order of preference, with your most desired name first.
    The tag you’d like to use for each new guild name(s).

Upon review, a Game Master will try to update the name of your guild according to your preferences. If the first name you provided is already in use by another guild, then we will attempt to change the name to the second one on your list, and so forth. Once we are able to change the name—or if we need additional names because they are all in use—the Game Master will reply to your ticket with the results.

Note that guild names or tags that violate the Guild Wars 2 Naming Policy will be disbanded, renamed, and/or result in further action against any involved users. Depending on the severity, our Game Masters will take action to remove the guild and any offending users from the game.


source : https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes
By experience, i waited for 3 days.

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