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Is there room for staff healing tempest?


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If we're talking about just regular T4 with no CMs and KP, hTemp carries more than HFB, but you'll need to compensate for the lack of quickness, and that can get really annoying and time consuming with your lfg.
If concentration never existed as a stat maybe things would have been easier, because right now most of the people that could cover quickness with their class can't do so simply swapping a trait and few skills and often lack the proper gear.
If you have someone to play with and your aim is casually pugging T4, again, make him play quick, and enjoy facerolling even with the worst pugs in your group.

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17 hours ago, Erick Alastor.3917 said:

If we're talking about just regular T4 with no CMs and KP, hTemp carries more than HFB, but you'll need to compensate for the lack of quickness, and that can get really annoying and time consuming with your lfg.
If concentration never existed as a stat maybe things would have been easier, because right now most of the people that could cover quickness with their class can't do so simply swapping a trait and few skills and often lack the proper gear.
If you have someone to play with and your aim is casually pugging T4, again, make him play quick, and enjoy facerolling even with the worst pugs in your group.

How is htemp carrying more? its the better "carry" for very bad support players who dont use any of the stuff fb can do. fb has better stab, better reflect and better cc. it always annoys me when people say "we need more healing" in sirens reef for example. you dont need any healing when a single fb brings 60%+ reflect uptime with just wor.

and if you really want to carry you bring a hmech and search for qfb or you just go cfb and do dps since you can carry best on a dps in bad groups. no point in keeping untameds and other 0 dps builds pugs use alive.

T4s are a joke anyways with pof and condi powercreep. release tempest was a dps btw. initially it was never supposed to be the healer class like you wrote.

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On 3/18/2022 at 2:49 PM, Nephalem.8921 said:

How is htemp carrying more? its the better "carry" for very bad support players who dont use any of the stuff fb can do. fb has better stab, better reflect and better cc. it always annoys me when people say "we need more healing" in sirens reef for example. you dont need any healing when a single fb brings 60%+ reflect uptime with just wor.

and if you really want to carry you bring a hmech and search for qfb or you just go cfb and do dps since you can carry best on a dps in bad groups. no point in keeping untameds and other 0 dps builds pugs use alive.

T4s are a joke anyways with pof and condi powercreep. release tempest was a dps btw. initially it was never supposed to be the healer class like you wrote.

Since you brought up Siren, take this run for exemple.
You can notice we basically didn't had anything people would want to clear it.
In this video I told my friend how to align his build to mine to maximize the benefit of my heals.
It was the first time trying it yet I was quite confident we were going to succeed despite making mistakes, and indeed we made it even messing up more than once.
I've met groups that ran CMs just fine only to proceed wiping on Sirens.
It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's for one single reason.
Bad positioning and not enough heals. Sadly hFB reflects can't save your run when your group is bad at positioning.
What a hFB/aMech help you with extremely well is, instead, "bruteforcing" ecounters.
If people won't take advantage of that, let's say they mostly autoattack and move all over the place, then with those classes you will be able to do very little to help them.
To heal decently Mech needs people to stay close to you/your bot, while hFB (especially after the aegis nerf) needs to "aim" his heals (it doesn't require from your party the same level of positioning a Druid or a hRev would, but it can still be a bit inconvenient with a bad party). 
hTemp on the other hand heals brainlessly in very wide radius. People that will stay close enough will benefit from extra heals, but even people that run around like headless chickens will be covered 'till 600 units around yourself.
About Siren, you can basically afk its last boss with any incompetent group of pugs just camping Ventari+Replenishing Despair and autoattacking without providing any alacrity.
I do that from time to time to help people stuck at the end boss, but every time I play as a dps in an unexperienced group that ends up wiping over and over, I find myself speechless when the Rev often refuses to camp ventari as long as possible becuase people somehow told him alacrity is always more important. And the whole party get stuck in a spiral of endlessly repeating the same kind of wipes.
If you get annoyed by people that say they "need more healing" on Siren, you'll probably think the same when they ask for more healing in a mai trin or aquatic+afflicted. At the end of the day they should just pull and cleave, they should just stand outside of bad aoe.
Well if you start to think like that, then you are not indeed thinking about the best way of carrying that specific party.
While when you really start thinking about how to carry very bad parties you'll slowly start to notice how elementalist can make the difference in such cases.
I'll highlight what I think was most important in what I wrote in my previous post tho:
hTemp carries more than HFB, but you'll need to compensate for the lack of quickness [..] If you have someone to play with [...] make him play quick.
Depending on the quick class that will play with you, your party must adapt accordingly.
If as hTemp you're paired with a qFB then he will provide stability, if you'll play with a qHarb/Qrap then your alac should be the one helping with it.
Depending on the weapons you choose, hTemp will be able to provide HUGE condi cleanses and stable wide-range heals, or good bursts, it will help stabilize boons (especially might) an can also potentially provide decent dps, reflects (moving with players) and area blind. What you'll miss from not being an hFB can be easly covered by someone else with barely any impact on its personal performance. 
Again, I am talking about the carrying potential in casual T4 runs granted you will have people willing to cover for what is missing.

This may seem counterintuitive, but it is not.
You're not making other people do "your work".
As hTemp your work is keeping people alive first and foremost, and you'll be extremely good at that. All you'll have to compensate for are things that will just make things less annoying or slighly faster, that's it. You can easly run without alacrity, might and quickness and still prevent most of the wipes.
I guess that whoever is laughing at this simple concept probably barely cares about non CM runs or is not used to play with very casual players.
Ele+qFB was an insanely safe duo and it's still quite good, even after the aegis nerf, to carry unexperienced players.

Edited by Erick Alastor.3917
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