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Zip Line Recharging Cool Down?

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When I first got zip line recharging (Energy Efficiency mastery), I was able to hop a zip line, get 4 charges, use 'em, and then I thought I could hop on the zip line again right after to charge back up (maybe not; could be crazy).  Doesn't appear I can do that anymore.  Was a cool down added without being noted?  Was it noted and I missed it?  If so, anyone know the cool down?  I'm in New Kain if that changes anything.

I don't know why a cool down would be necessary with the number of batteries scattered about, but there's all kinds of strange decisions going on over at ANet, so who knows...<shrug>

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I feel like the zipline cooldown is similar to the battery cooldown? For example, when I'm chilling in Echovald waiting for the Gang Wars meta, there's 3 batteries and a zipline that I'll grab, charge offensive/defensive with, and then grab again when the batteries are back up. It all seems to be available again around the same time, but I could be mistaken.

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On 3/18/2022 at 2:17 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

Have you tried using a different zip line?

I did - no change.


16 hours ago, Deekkru.5128 said:

Quick update: Paid attention today and the zipline cooldown seemed to be only 2-3 minutes, vs the 5 minutes that the wiki states for batteries.

Yeah - I discovered the same thing.  It's just odd, because I swear there wasn't a cool down when I first unlocked it.  <shrug> Oh well.  Thank you for the sounding board and investigation.

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