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Will elementalists ever get to swap weapons in combat?


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It might be a nice thing to add to an elite spec. The thing is, simply adding a second weaponset (that all but one other class already have) doesn't really feel like a cool or interesting elite spec mechanic on its own, so it would have to come alongside something else... but it's also obviously tremendously powerful to have access to two weaponsets. Pretty difficult to balance.


I will say that I think people probably do overestimate how powerful it might be though. People think "oh you have double the weapon skills", but in practice it wouldn't work like that. The cooldowns of both weaponswap and elemental attunements mean you couldn't make use of every spell without significantly delaying your attunement swapping. In that sense, it might be pretty cool as a way to promote tactical play. You can swap to staff while you're in fire to get that powerful meteor shower, but it means you won't be able to use the immunity from focus 5 in earth when you go to earth next. The fact that you *have* to miss out on spells  during rotations would create some dynamics that don't really exist with elementalist currently, where you can basically just cycle all the attunements and use every spell that you want to.

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I'm more into an elite weapon as spec mechanic like Bladesworn than a weapon swap.
And why not change the range or the role in traits like mechanist; "Now your Arcane greatsword skills fire bullets at 1200 range" "Now your attacks (melee) deal condition based on your attunement" ...

The issue with a "core" weapon swap : you won't make class easier, people already struggle with one set of weapons and you'd add twice more skills in rotation ? O n contrary you'll rise both skill floor and skill ceiling. What would be the atm ? What about the balance ? "Elem is in good spot with 0.8% of usage in raids and 4% in pvp, we'll nerf every skills because uber players are doing 48k on golem." Remember Staff nerfs because of dual attacks and weaver traits ...

This is insane, it is not a good solution to "balance sustain and dps", we better need some balance to help to stick to melee and survive, for example rise dps in water skills, why not increase range of leaps (rip Magnetic Grasp), more stab, longer chill/cripple/immob, more barrier spam for weaver ...

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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