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Peripheral Keybinding?


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Hello! I don't really play all that much and am looking to get better but my fingers kinda flomp on my keyboard a lot. I've got a really cool peripheral (The Razer Tartarus, picture here) that it and its predecessor (Nostromo) have helped me for years in WarCraft, Rift, XIV, and my brief forays into MOBAs. That said, I'm not really sure where to start on what mesmers would look at for keybinding something like this and would rather start with advice over trying to unlearn bad habits and bad binds.

(My small hands don't reach the top keys very well in combat)

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Ive been looking to get one of those but im cheap. If you play pvp i think there are three rough goals

1. Movement ie you should keep fingers on wasd as much as possible

2. Skill priority order, ie skills that require fast and frequent pressing should be fast and easy to press

3. Skill combination ie abilities that need to be pressed at the same time should be able to be pressed at the same time


2. The priority list is smth like the following. When i say "fast" i mean something that requires fast reactions such as interrupting a skill an enemy uses

- Important, fast and frequent (dodge, diversion, mantra of distraction). Should be able to press without moving finger ideally. Like side mouse buttons, V, C, space key, shift.

- Important, fast, less frequent (distortion, blink, stunbreaks). Should be able to press quickly without moving finger much. Like side mouse buttons, E, F, capslock.

- Important, frequent (stow weapon, about face, mind wrack, cry of frustration). Should be able to press quickly without moving finger much, and press while moving. Like mouse buttons, shift, ctrl, space.

- Less important, frequent (most weapon skills, heal, elites except for jaunt) its fine to release A or D and move your finger to press them.


3. Some skills are often pressed consecutively, like phase retear + mind wrack, or mirror blade + blink + diversion + mind wrack, or about face + phase reteat, or weapon skill + stow weapon.

Such skills should preferably be able to be pressed at the same time, for example if you have mind wrack on Q and phase retreat on E, compare that to if you had Mind Wrack on F and phase retrest on E. Another example, to do a blink burst i can press E + side mouse button + side mouse button + Q

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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On 7/3/2022 at 1:33 PM, Kelesti.2458 said:

Hello! I don't really play all that much and am looking to get better but my fingers kinda flomp on my keyboard a lot. I've got a really cool peripheral (The Razer Tartarus, picture here) that it and its predecessor (Nostromo) have helped me for years in WarCraft, Rift, XIV, and my brief forays into MOBAs. That said, I'm not really sure where to start on what mesmers would look at for keybinding something like this and would rather start with advice over trying to unlearn bad habits and bad binds.

(My small hands don't reach the top keys very well in combat)

I map:

1-5 to keys 15-11 (1 = 15)

6=scroll wheel (roll either way or push)

7-0 to keys 19-16

F=round button (fire button?)


F-keys , mount, swap to keys 6-10

I don't try to use the top row for combat, too much for me. Those are Map, Guild, Inventory, Hero, Double-click.

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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