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Ungodly lag and screen stuttering

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I've been playing this game for just about two years now so I've experienced my share of festivals since then. Yet in all my time playing, I cannot remember a time when I've had more issues with ridiculous lag and screen stuttering. Both my girlfriend and I have  been having these issues since the start of the festival, though it is not limited to being on those maps. Mounts take forever to load so you're just straddling air for 3 minutes until your mount  loads and after the screen stutters, you're half way across the Pavilion. It is effectively unplayable at those times and those times are often recently. I don't know what's going on here because it's never been as bad as it is now.  Honestly, this has me a bit worried about when we open the floodgates to Steam players because if it's already this bad, what will that massive influx of players to do the servers then? Anyone else experiencing this? 

Edited by BanditKiller.5481
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Hey - I just logged in after a year's long break and I had the same issue.

I went into my graphics settings and noticed that "Enable DX9 Rendering (Depreciated)" was enabled. I disabled it, exited the game and came back in to find it was MUCH improved. 


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I have been farming those festival tokens in The Pavilion since the start of Four Winds and I had no problem at all until yesterday. Suddenly the game started to take forever to load and skills response time and even map chat had like a 3-5 sec delay.

I tried logging out and back in again, same problem. I had to stop playing because like what OP said, for whatever reasons there is huge lag in loading everything, including mounting and dismounting, making the game unplayable. I checked my ping and from a everyday average ping of 200-300, my average ping was 2k-3k yesterday 😯 I wonder did ANet do something yesterday. I hope the lag will be gone today. And no, nothing to do with my connections, I have very smoothing streaming when I watched dramas and movies.

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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1 hour ago, swade.5604 said:

Hey - I just logged in after a year's long break and I had the same issue.

I went into my graphics settings and noticed that "Enable DX9 Rendering (Depreciated)" was enabled. I disabled it, exited the game and came back in to find it was MUCH improved. 


Hah! Thank you, I'm going to try that. I see that it is also enabled for me. I'll update later to see if that worked. Thank you for letting me know. Much appreciated!


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1 hour ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

I have been farming those festival tokens in The Pavilion since the start of Four Winds and I had no problem at all until yesterday. Suddenly the game started to take forever to load and skills response time and even map chat had like a 3-5 sec delay.

I tried logging out and back in again, same problem. I had to stopped playing because like what OP said, for whatever reasons there is huge lag in loading everything, including mounting and dismounting, making the game unplayable. I checked my ping and from a everyday average ping of 200-300, my average ping was 2k-3k yesterday 😯 I wonder did ANet do something yesterday. I hope the lag will be gone today. And no, nothing to do with my connections, I have very smoothing streaming when I watched dramas and movies.

Same. I've not had this issue in game for such a prolonged period of time. I'm usually able to play with the graphics up to the highest quality without issue. I will definitely try what the other respondent said above - Disable DX9 Rendering and see if that helps. Maybe give it a try too? Let's see if we have luck. Cheers! Thank you for weighing in !

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