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Holosmith mechanic needs a rework and buffs.


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Hi all!

This is my very first post in forum. I think the new balances and changes in holosmith are not that bad, but the mechanic itself could be improved and buffed. One thing that I never understood is the damage taken in holo form when u exceed heat levels. I dont see such a punishment in others classes for a simple mistake that is common while u have quickness (u lose almost half health and cant use forge skills until it cools down entirely, so is a dps lose plus a health lose).

1. I think the mechanic could be easily improved so when u exceed heat, instead of losing half health, u just enter in a longer cooldown of forge (about 10 seconds for example). The final trait that damages enemies could also stay the same, with the difference of u taking no damage from the explosion.

2. And we seriously need specific buffs to our traitline, like more dmg to laser edge. Otherwise it will much powerful and safer to just be a mechanist.

P.S.: Sorry about my rusty english, im not native 🙂 

Edited by Danis.6079
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So, when I came back to the game a few months ago, I was playing Necro and decided to try Mechanist.  I always enjoyed core Engineer but did not find it as viable in newer content.  While I enjoyed my time playing Mechanist I started to read up on Holosmith.  I wanted to try it out and I really liked it.  The way I have mine setup right now I hardly ever die and that is while fighting champions.  I am not using alchemy or anything like that though I do run everything open world in my Celestial Ascended armor/weapons/trinkets.  It is just easier to do that than crafting ascendeds over and over again.  I am really happy with it.  Could it do more damage?  Sure....so could a lot of other specs in the game.  Now I can charge into a fight with my jackal, give people barriers, drop my healing turret, and go to work.  It is the most fun I have had playing a spec so far though I still want to try out some of the other elite specs as well.  Play around with Holosmith a bit, you might find a setup that works better for you than what you are currently using.  

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15 hours ago, Danis.6079 said:

Hi all!

This is my very first post in forum. I think the new balances and changes in holosmith are not that bad, but the mechanic itself could be improved and buffed. One thing that I never understood is the damage taken in holo form when u exceed heat levels. I dont see such a punishment in others classes for a simple mistake that is common while u have quickness (u lose almost half health and cant use forge skills until it cools down entirely, so is a dps lose plus a health lose).

1. I think the mechanic could be easily improved so when u exceed heat, instead of losing half health, u just enter in a longer cooldown of forge (about 10 seconds for example). The final trait that damages enemies could also stay the same, with the difference of u taking no damage from the explosion.

2. And we seriously need specific buffs to our traitline, like more dmg to laser edge. Otherwise it will much powerful and safer to just be a mechanist.

P.S.: Sorry about my rusty english, im not native 🙂 

If you change Overheat, then you'd likely have to change PBM as well which is a lot of fun on Rifle Holo, and lets you lean in to Overheat to do big burst damage. Otherwise it would just be free damage.
As much as the self dmg from Overheat can be painful as a new Holo, it makes the spec less braindead IMO.
Rather than removing the self dmg from Overheat, maybe expand the affects Overheat has on Engineer Exceed skills when over 100% heat. Currently ECSU only affects 1 minor trait and buffs sword abilities. 
Most Exceeds do something over 50 heat, but nothing when at 100 heat.

Managing heat is just part of the kit tbh. It becomes less difficult to do the more you play with the class. 
I'd rather take the hit to HP than be locked out for forge for even longer. We get a lot of passive sustain from big boomer and Heat Therapy and then there is AED which can completely negate an Overheat at low HP levels.

I'd like to see a damage buff to Crystal Configuration: Storm, letting that be a damage trait. Currently the middle traits in Holo are all defensive or utility based. Either that or Solar Focusing Lens could use a buff so the bonus damage affects all attacks for the duration rather than just the first few attacks after entering or exiting forge.

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