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Disable Tutorial

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Hey! I was wondering if there's a way to disable the achievement pop ups that come with this new tutorial thing they've added. I'm finding it insanely grating and looking into the future volumes I won't be finished with it until I've basically beat the vanilla game, which is something I was wanting to do first and is a long way away atm. I've tried turning off parts of the UI including going into immersion mode, but those pop ups still flash at me like every time I do anything. If there's a way to turn them off it would be very appreciated :)

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I too would like to have an option to disable the new tutorial achievement popups. While I undestand that it is great for new players I have a lot of characters (altoholic) and make new ones constantly and I am not looking forward to having these popups as a constant companion of my gameplay from now on, since leveling characters is one of my main activities in GW2.

What I'd like to see even more is an opt-out option of the tutorial achivements altogether since I personally don't have the desire to level characters faster, I love leveling characters via map completion and I don't want to have this additional experience speeding up my leveling. But this is probably unrealistic. An option though to at least disable the pop-ups would be nice.

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I know this isn't really a solution, but I think you can turn off the content guide completely in the top right? It's not perfect since it would hide everything, but in the cases where we have experienced players who don't want to be bothered, they might not need the content guide anyway. 

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23 minutes ago, Stadsport.8714 said:

I know this isn't really a solution, but I think you can turn off the content guide completely in the top right? It's not perfect since it would hide everything, but in the cases where we have experienced players who don't want to be bothered, they might not need the content guide anyway. 


I already have the content guide completely disabled in the options. The new Character Adventure Guide is not tied to that, it works like regular achievements and every time you complete one of them (or if you complete a step of them, like killing 1 when the achievment says "kill 10 enemies") an achievement popup appears at the right side, accompanied by a "ping"-sound.  When you have a lot of characters (like me with 35+) or level a lot of new characters (also like me) you will have these pop-ups all the time during a sizable chunk of your gameplay, since it is character-bound not account-bound. I personally find it VERY annoying and also would like to have an option to turn it off accound-wide.

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On 8/26/2022 at 2:00 PM, aikatara.3462 said:


I already have the content guide completely disabled in the options. The new Character Adventure Guide is not tied to that, it works like regular achievements and every time you complete one of them (or if you complete a step of them, like killing 1 when the achievment says "kill 10 enemies") an achievement popup appears at the right side, accompanied by a "ping"-sound.  When you have a lot of characters (like me with 35+) or level a lot of new characters (also like me) you will have these pop-ups all the time during a sizable chunk of your gameplay, since it is character-bound not account-bound. I personally find it VERY annoying and also would like to have an option to turn it off accound-wide.

Ah, understood. Thanks for the clarification. 

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  • 11 months later...

I also would like to disable the tutorials.  I have L37 exotic heavy armor and the tutorial tells me to get better stuff.  WHERE?  Also a number of my CRAFTED leveling armor pieces have had bizarre stat changes.  The new relic system is a least bad choice as NONE of the choices are what I want.  10% health or health regeneration.  Thrilling?  Exciting?  Watching paint dry is exciting.  No clue who thought this was a "good idea" and worse, whomever OK'd these HORRIBLE changes.  Now I have almost 70 year old fingers and being forced to have repeatedly precise and quick finger movements to complete the not fun in the first place "games" in HoT content precludes being able to finish that content along with a multitude of achievements.  Getting to EoD was rage quit inducing.  Obviously many of you have completed the first story checkpoint.  I loathe fishing and gave up trying to complete it.  I also have been unable to figure out the bizarre combat.  So another video game purchase I've wasted money on.  "Secrets" was such a pain slogging thru, I logged out.  More wasted money.  The new and not improved daily is horrible.  We had a pool of choices for the daily completion.  Now we have 3 and if you cannot access the content, SOL.  PvP/WvW is only for gift of battle and those who thrive on abusing others.  Thanks for enabling abuse ANNET.  At least it appears the relic clutter can be vendored/salvaged.  Not much USEFUL use for them otherwise.  Surprised ANNET did not go full Activision/Blizzard and raise the level cap trashing all our gear in the process.  It would be "new and improved".  1-80 content is fine.  The rest?  not so much.  I USED to recommend GW2.  Now?  zero stars.

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