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Map closing and fishing

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So far, I'm a really big fan of fishing.  I enjoy it quite a bit.  But I think something has to be done about instance closing when it comes to the fishing/skiff buff getting reset when you switch instances.  It'll kick me from one, I'll fish and get my stacks up, and then it'll want me to move instances again, all the while losing the buff. 


It just really feels bad, knowing how many stacks I have, and knowing I'll be losing them in a certain amount of time, no matter what I do, and I don't feel like mechanics that are completely out of the player's control is fun game design.

Edited by CarnageTheory.3247
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Simple fix is the fishing stacks should only be removed when you either A) Log off or B) Switch to a different PvE map.

Swapping to the same PvE map shouldn't remove the stacks.

As an added bonus, it would be nice if sPvP didn't count and we could keep the stacks through that as well, as long as we don't try to teleport to a different PvE map.

TL;DR stacks should only reset on changing to a new fishing area.

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This complaint and suggestion has been brought up many many times... and still makes complete sense.  It is frustrating and doesn't seem like a particularly difficult tweak, when other conditions persist across map switching (and logoff, for that matter).  I have to believe that at some point this change will happen.  


Anyway, my current workaround is to try and identify maps that are less affected by player population... like maps hosting dailies, Lion's Arch, etc.  Not always possible when you're working on the collections, but can lessen the pain if you're simply enjoying the activity or farming ambergris.

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