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Help choosing a class for returning player


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Hi to all, well to start, like the title states, I'm a returning player from 2015 more or less I don't recall the exact year but I digress, I have been melting my brain over deciding which class to main this time, I used to be a thief main before the expansions came out and I enjoyed a lot until the part where all the builds back then only ran dagger/pistol which I grew bored of, loved sword/pistol also pistol/pistol but they were pretty much useless and so I got bored from using only dagger/whatever and short bow. 

This happened until HoT came out and I started playing revenant because it was new but only in instanced PVP, I had so much fun that the amount of time playing PVP as revenant grew larger than my thief in a short period, but after a while, I stopped playing because all of my friends did as well so I didn't even get to complete the HoT story, (BTW  I did try every other class back then so really right now I'm deciding only between revenant or thief) 

When I came back I gave reve a shot on PvE but it was so boring without Herald, I felt really slow, depending only on Shiro to have mobility also the weapons available for reve don't appeal too much to me right now unless it's sword/sword, staff and well I haven't yet tried GS or short bow but hammer still feels as awful as ever and I never liked the fact that you can only use mace on main-hand and axe on off-hand, this lack of mobility leads me to miss my shadow steps, invisibility, vigor, etc.


That being said, I don't mind running with power core reve or core power thief for the open world because I'm starting from 0 don't ask me why or maybe do it but better if you do it privately I just want to do it from scratch. 

My main problem here is that I never touched raids and I didn't explore fractals that much I mean I did a lot of them but I was just being carried all the time by my friends so what I need right now is to know, which of those 2 classes has more options for all of the content there is now, WvW, instanced PVP, raids, strikes, fractals, and roaming because a lot has changed since then, I know herald gives me permanent speed but what if I go, renegade or vindicator? Don't know much about those specializations also what about deadeye and specter, how much do those specializations change the gameplay of said classes? Are they better or are they just the same but with more skills?

A little disclaimer before I finish the post, in no way I'm trying to diminish or trash revenant or thief I like them both and I do seem a lot of people getting offended by comments about their mains, it's just purely subjective to my likings and what I find attractive or not but I only intend on using 1 class this time at least for everything non-instance PVP related.

Apologies for the long text and beforehand I want to thank everyone that reads this and responds to my capricious plea, thank you so much!  



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Oof, might be good to put a summary question or TL;DR somewhere, I almost misunderstood the question there.


If I understand correctly, you are asking between Rev and Thief, and then which elite spec?


Assuming this is a correct understanding of your question, here are some completely subjective thoughts:

  • I think you will be happier with thief right now - daredevil will be closest to what you remember. I don't know deadeye that well, but it has seen a resurgence in various game modes recently, and plays quite differently from core thief and DD. Specter is completely different to all the others, and you might like the variety there - I assume you know already they play like a blend between thief and necro?
  • On the Rev side, it's still ok, but if you didn't like the playstyle previously Vindi is not going to offer you anything that new. Renegade plays a bit differently from the other two, and might give you some options if you want something different.


If on the other hand I completely misunderstood and you are open to looking at other classes as well, Engi is in a really good space right now, and Guardian is always in a good space.


Finally, I will say I've always experienced in GW2 you have to be open to the idea of swapping specs and playstyles on the fly for different content. It's not a must, but you really can look at it as one profession with 3 (or even 4 since you can use core as well) different options, rather than only one possible spec.

Edited by SlipLihte.1307
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I think Ayin Maiden says it best in her streams - if you want a good melee option, go with Warrior or Guardian. Good ranged option - go with Ranger. Good all around option - go with Necromancer.

I think Slip covered what options you have for Thief and Revenant. I'd just like to impart that personally, Thief was my kryptonite for so long until I got build help from a friend who mains the Daredevil elite specialization. Daredevil is SO. MUCH. FUN.

As for Revenant, I'll be honest and say that I don't have much experience with the Renegade specialization yet, but I do really dig the Herald and Vindicator specializations.

With anything, your mileage may vary. Find something you really enjoy playing and have fun with it.

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20 hours ago, SlipLihte.1307 said:

Oof, might be good to put a summary question or TL;DR somewhere, I almost misunderstood the question there.


If I understand correctly, you are asking between Rev and Thief, and then which elite spec?


Assuming this is a correct understanding of your question, here are some completely subjective thoughts:

  • I think you will be happier with thief right now - daredevil will be closest to what you remember. I don't know deadeye that well, but it has seen a resurgence in various game modes recently, and plays quite differently from core thief and DD. Specter is completely different to all the others, and you might like the variety there - I assume you know already they play like a blend between thief and necro?
  • On the Rev side, it's still ok, but if you didn't like the playstyle previously Vindi is not going to offer you anything that new. Renegade plays a bit differently from the other two, and might give you some options if you want something different.


If on the other hand I completely misunderstood and you are open to looking at other classes as well, Engi is in a really good space right now, and Guardian is always in a good space.


Finally, I will say I've always experienced in GW2 you have to be open to the idea of swapping specs and playstyles on the fly for different content. It's not a must, but you really can look at it as one profession with 3 (or even 4 since you can use core as well) different options, rather than only one possible spec.

No, you're right, I was rambling a lot and I didn't even know where to put the question but you did it for me lol, yeah you're right I think I'm more sold in thief right now I just hope specter delivers. Thanks a lot for the reply tho

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