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Pvp locks weapon and won't allow standard weapon swapping


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Queued PvP from outside the PvP area.    Game swapped to a different weapon set (hammer which I had equipped to use as scrapper) which my profession couldn't use (currently mechanist).   Game doesn't allow me weapons ... EVEN OUT OF COMBAT.   So played the whole match with a weapon that I couldn't use.


First off, if you're level 80, the game should not swap your weapons/professions/skills when you enter PvP.  I understand if you're under 80 because your pvp build can be a build you can't normally run yet.  But if you're level 80, DON'T HAVE THE GAME SWITCH YOUR GEAR OR SKILLS.

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3 hours ago, Nrodavar.8920 said:

First off, if you're level 80, the game should not swap your weapons/professions/skills when you enter PvP. 

It doesn't, it quite literally uses the template slot you last entered the PvP map with.

Additionally, the ability to equip 2 different weapons on Engi/Ele was added later as a PvE QoL thing. They intentionally can't swap DURING a match, because they've always been locked to one weapon.

Fixing your build/loadout during the prep time before a match starts is part of why it's there.

Sorry you got screwed, that's not fun at all, but the mechanisms behind it happening exist for a reason. 

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It can be annoying with classes that originally couldnt switch weapons. I played ele some time ago and this problem occured too, but i was more lucky, as i quickly changed weapons in hero panel. I dont remember correctly, but i think the game chooses the first weapons set, so make sure you have there some pvp intended weapons 🙂 Also, if you havent used it, copy your equipment to the second template panel, pack up the right weapons and in the pvp area switch to it (it works with builds too). The game will remember what you used for pve and pvp :)

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