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Improve Pet-Synergy: Siege Turtle


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most of the pets currently do NOT see much play in ranger-builds.


One of the new ones being the Siege Turtle.

The skill "Hunker Down" needs to he improved just like "Guardians Roar" from White Tiger (600 Range increase and casttime reduction - which is actually still to much imo).


Suggestion (at least in PvE):


- add stability as a boon because Turtles are heavy and hard to move

- delete protection for stability or leave it and make it scale with the boon duration of the player, cause its simply not enough

- increase boon range to 600 (like guardians Roar)

- increase projectile block duration

- make it ground targeted (so the turtle jumps/ports over there or shoots the projectile block over there) just like Defense Field Change 

- alternatively improve the turtle Auto-Attacks so it actually charges at the foes and stays close to them, because right now it just stays 1200 range away from the target which results in bad dps and bad positioning for boons and projectile block




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The projectile block duration and targeting I have issue with the most, and I agree with your changes. However, the projectile bubble won't be too useful on many fights since a lot of the useful blocks for projectiles are actually unblockable skills.


I wouldn't mind seeing it one of two ways as an alternative to what you have suggested:


1. The bubble moves with the turtle. It also lasts longer. This gives druid (and even dps untamed) an option for Sabir, the only 10 man fight that requires a projectile block, as projectile blocks during the "hands" phase are needed desperately.

2. In addition to longer duration and movement, the bubble is shrunk down on the turtle. The shrunk bubble is then given to the ranger. That way, they don't have to give a ground targeted shadowstep to a pet (which they seem unwilling to do), and you still get some of the more controlled utility.

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I love the merge skill (F1) but it should be an un-Reflectable projectile like Longbow Barrage. It is so weak already and if someone has a shield up it does no damage.

I would love to give Rangers a good WvW ranger option when they are playing a more duelist role in a Zerg and have nothing better to do except throw green orbs at people.

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