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Berserk Mode Duration Increases

Lan Deathrider.5910

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Two things to help solve this issue (mainly PvE focused, but it would bleed over into PvP/WvW if done).

  • Make rage skills provide their duration increases when used instead of on hit.
    • Possibly add an extra second to a few of them, like Headbutt and Shattering Blow.
  • Add into Smash Brawler that in addition to gaining 5s on the base Berserk Mode duration, that successful CCs increase the duration by 1s per foe CCd.
    • If only this change happens, then increase the duration gained to 2s instead of 1s, but if both changes happen then 1s is fine here.
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Exit button would be nice...

Outside of that, I'll suggest again here what I suggested before. Headbutt and outrage should change.

Durations for Berserk do need adjustment in some way. Needing all 5 rage skills to maintain Berserk kills our build flexibility. But I'd like to see another way to enter Berserk. Honestly an exit button wouldn't even be needed if we had a second way to enter Berserk.

Heabutt is weak. Untie it from Outrage to free up a utility slot, and make it enter Berserk addressing both our uptime as well as our ability to manage the state.


Head Butt - 3/4 Activation - 35 sec Recharge

Rage. Stun your target and enter berserk mode. Extend berserk duration if it is already active.

Damage: X
Adrenaline: 10
Stun: 3 seconds
Berserk: 6 seconds
Duration increase: 6 seconds
Breaks Stun
Defiance Break: 400
Range: 400

Notes: Using the skill puts you in Berserk mode (on-use, not on-hit). It no longer self-stuns at all. Does not put the Berserk skill (F2) on cooldown.


Outrage - Instant - 15 sec Recharge

Rage. Gain Protection. You and nearby allies break out of stun. Extend the duration of berserk mode. The extension of berserk mode increases if a stun was broken.

Adrenaline: 5
Stun-break Bonus Adrenaline: 5
Duration Increase: 2 seconds
Stun-Break Duration Increase: 5 seconds

Protection duration: 3 seconds
Breaks Stun

(Extension increase is once only. Not per target stuns-broken). 



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It being a toggle, or the CD refreshing while in Berserk Mode probably won't happen. Shroud and Best Mode have downtimes, so too should Berserk Mode.

So long as things die and the necro doesn't get hit, it can stay in Shroud a fair while, and Beast Mode can be indefinite.

I'd rather Berserk be indefinite with an option to leave but baring that some small tweaks to how the duration increases are implemented would work fine.

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A short duration and cooldown would give more flexibility like 5 seconds with 5 sec cd comparable with the weapon switch cd with supporting traits for entering or leaving the mode.


Also berserker needs the damage back i still don't get the nerf.. other classes like power chrono pull off high dmg in pvp with better utility like gravity well...

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It being a toggle, or the CD refreshing while in Berserk Mode probably won't happen. Shroud and Best Mode have downtimes, so too should Berserk Mode.

So long as things die and the necro doesn't get hit, it can stay in Shroud a fair while, and Beast Mode can be indefinite.

I'd rather Berserk be indefinite with an option to leave but baring that some small tweaks to how the duration increases are implemented would work fine.

Or just make it like soulbeast mode. 

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Realistically speaking needing to stay in berserk (to be a viable spec) is the core problem to begin with. Lets say berserk abilities give their uptime benefit on use rather than on hit/stun-break, now If you're going to let me stay in berserk indefinitely at basically no risk of ever letting it end early, then what is the point of berserk button to exist? You might aswell put me permanently on berserk at that point.

Don't you see the issue here? The design itself is flawed. Berserk should have just been a spec that replaced your core F1's with empowered ones without the need for going berserk and the F2 should have been more about damage steroids and other benefits.


Even most of the traits are straight up useless because they give benefits like invulnerability or health return when entering berserk, while the playstyle is all about minimizing the amount of times you need to enter berserk.

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1 hour ago, rainhelm.3827 said:

Realistically speaking needing to stay in berserk (to be a viable spec) is the core problem to begin with. Lets say berserk abilities give their uptime benefit on use rather than on hit/stun-break, now If you're going to let me stay in berserk indefinitely at basically no risk of ever letting it end early, then what is the point of berserk button to exist? You might aswell put me permanently on berserk at that point.

Don't you see the issue here? The design itself is flawed. Berserk should have just been a spec that replaced your core F1's with empowered ones without the need for going berserk and the F2 should have been more about damage steroids and other benefits.

With the current durations, you would not stay in indefinitely, just a little while longer. Meanwhile, coupled with a duration increase on CC, you could stay in indefinitely through CD management and good gameplay, which is something that should be rewarded.

1 hour ago, rainhelm.3827 said:

Even most of the traits are straight up useless because they give benefits like invulnerability or health return when entering berserk, while the playstyle is all about minimizing the amount of times you need to enter berserk.

The on enter traits are more PvP/WvW focused. That said, these traits, with the exception of Dead or Alive and Savage Instinct, should reactivate their on enter effects when a Primal Burst is used.

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