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Random disconnects since Saturday the 5th of November 2022

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My game has randomly started disconnecting since last Saturday. It could happen 1 time an hour or up to 7 times an hour (so far)

I get the error code "The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before starting the client and trying again" The error code.." with the error code being in the 7:xx:x series.


It mostly happens when I'm doing PvE content (non story) but it has happened twice so far in WvW.


I have followed the steps listed on your help section: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863018-Common-Error-Codes

I have added rule in my firewall.

I have cleared cache.

I flushed my DNS.

Restarted my router.
I set up a AWS Instance in the same region the servers are based in (N. Virginia) and kept a connection test going to see if there were issues anywhere between my location and there (assuming the same route is used) and no issues whatsoever when I get disconnected.

Has something happened to the GW2 servers since the 5th of November 2022?

Is there anything else I can try?

Edited by Stretch.4510
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10 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If the data center, or ArenaNet servers were at fault, would not everyone, or at least, a good portion of the NA playerbase be having issue?

Could the Tier 1 backbone used for those with issue be having problems?


Could be. However, I thought if it was Tier 1, it would be more ...consistent? I spend most of my time in WvW. Both of its disconnects were on Saturday. However since then to now, there hasn't been any in WvW but when I do PvE content, it could be multiple times per hour. I would have thought if it was my end or Tier 1 network, it wouldn't matter what content I was doing.


So for example, yesterday I spent 3 hours in WvW. No disconnects. I spent ~30 mins in Siren's landing & ~45 mins in Bitterfrost Frontier and got disconnected 5 times between the 2.


I was thinking it could be time of day too but Bitterfrost Frontier I did in the morning time and then went to WvW for the 3 hours and then went to Siren's Landing afterwards.


Unless I'm missing something, it just seems like it is Anet servers. It just seems like there would have to be really odd circumstances that it would happen mostly outside of certain content I'm doing.

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Same exact thing has been happening to me too. My ping will jump around from being at 40 to 500 to 4k. Then I will disconnect with the same message as the original post have said. I mostly play pvp and will just disconnect randomly in matches. I'll come back and will be fine for the rest of the match.


Also during these disconnects I cannot cast any skills but I can still see everyone else moving around and doing different things.


I am also US East. I checked my actual internet connection and nothing seems wrong on my end.

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my  connection drops out in a weird way it just dsyncs my character form the server and lets me run around so i don't even know I' ve disconnected  until throws upa message i can even see characters moving around and then it disconnects me with an error message  but I'm in the UK so if it is a connection issue  like due to a fault in the line between east and west it would make sense but i have no idea how the server connections work in USA or which coast the servers are on should also point out im playing on US Servers

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On 9/12/2022 at 7:02 PM, Frayze.4620 said:



17 hours ago, Stretch.4510 said:



My game has randomly started disconnecting since last Saturday. It could happen 1 time an hour or up to 7 times an hour (so far)

I get the error code "The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before starting the client and trying again" The error code.." with the error code being in the 7:xx:x series.


It mostly happens when I'm doing PvE content (non story) but it has happened twice so far in WvW.


I have followed the steps listed on your help section: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863018-Common-Error-Codes

I have added rule in my firewall.

I have cleared cache.

I flushed my DNS.

Restarted my router.
I set up a AWS Instance in the same region the servers are based in (N. Virginia) and kept a connection test going to see if there were issues anywhere between my location and there (assuming the same route is used) and no issues whatsoever when I get disconnected.

Has something happened to the GW2 servers since the 5th of November 2022?

Is there anything else I can try?

Heya I'm Canadian and some what of a newb when it comes to problem solving the disconnects, I also have DNS issues leading to disconnects. How do I "flush" the DNS? 

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Thankfully since Wednesday evening my problem has stopped on its own. I didn't make any changes since my last post so it pretty much resolved on its own.


On 11/8/2022 at 4:04 PM, Freedoms.2635 said:


Heya I'm Canadian and some what of a newb when it comes to problem solving the disconnects, I also have DNS issues leading to disconnects. How do I "flush" the DNS? 


As I am a internet stranger, I'd encourage you to double check this command before you use it by googling it.
Click start -> type cmd - run as admin

Then I typed out the following command (no quotes)
"ipconfig /flushdns" and press Enter.


ipconfig /flushdns clears any dns records from your cache. So the next time you want to connect to a server, your OS will be forced to retrieve a new IP (if that IP was previously cached)

However I don't think this helped my issue but it can't hurt to try.

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