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Make Cosmetic Aura's Unlockable in the Wardrobe

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I think it would be great to be able to unlock cosmetic aura's and add them to our wardrobe so that they can be available account wide for the rest of your characters. I've seen this suggested before with the Aurora Legendary Trinkets cosmetic effect and I think it would be awesome to add this in for all of the cosmetic auras.

A lot of these aura's are based on infusions which never become account bound, so they would have to be account bound once infused into an infusion/gem slot. Then a separate interface for unlocked cosmetic aura's would have to be added to the wardrobe, and possibly a separate tab on the hero panel or equipment panel, that allows you to stack or add the aura's you have unlocked in your wardrobe, onto your character. This could be done by adding a pop up list on the equipment panel winch shows all the available aura's there are in game, grey out the text one the aura's you don't have unlocked, light up the text on the aura's you do, and put a toggleable check box next to whichever aura you have unlocked and want activated on your character.

Seems good 10/10!

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