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Berserker burst please change the setup of F1/F2


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33 minutes ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

As Oscuro said in the third comment, you need to change how you think of the Berserker skills.


F1 is your BURST. You activate this to spend your adrenaline.

F2 is now a STANCE. You active that to enter Berserk mode.


As for not wanting to use core burst, I can give you one good reason: A diverse utility kit. We already lack utility, and having options for us is great. Depending on the weapon, having access to the core burst skills allows you to control what utilities you may use in a fight.


All that changing this back to old functionality is going to do for us is cause us to lose out on more of our tools than any other class. Again. Might I suggest taking a day to learn the changes that have been implemented, and try to get used to them? Practicing with changes like this when you're used to an older way may seem tedious, but trust me when I say it's better that they're separate.

I already use them as they are, I just don't want 2 keybinds and, if the 'stance' keybind absolutely needs to be separate from the bursts, then I want the bursts (core and primal) to be on different keybinds from each other. One or the other. 3 keybinds or all the zerker related abilities and triggers on one and core on another.

I'm also getting tired of the tone of some answers that seem to imply I don't know how things work or used to work and faik to address the specific points I'm making. I also clearly stated I have this issue specifically for competitive modes where blowing adrenaline on core bursts will likely result in death.

What is the problem in keeping separate core and primal burst (irrespective of whether berserk mode trigger is separate from them or not)? Why having core on F1, primal on F2 and berserk on F3 doesn't work? Whatever the reason you believe this does not work please think about how this set up with 3 buttons woukd be different than the current one.

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45 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

And on condi the core burst immob is useless because you simply don't have the tools to land it.

Not at all. Flaming Flurry can't hit a moving target, but landing a Flurry on say, a thief while FoW is up is more than enough to threaten them off your side node. Or when you teamfight (lol warriors in teamfights right?), an immob on a support to let your team pile on it.

I've made plenty of use of both flurry and skull crack since the change in PvP. It's niche, but it's an outright objective buff to have regular bursts back. Adrenaline isn't so hard to come by as zerk that they aren't worth using when you've fallen out of zerk. There's plenty of ways to get it back before you can go into zerk mode again.

If you're dying so fast that that's a serious concern you're probably screwing up on your CDs, dodging, and just positioning in general. 

47 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

The quote doesn't prove people didn't ask for the setup to be changed, so I'm not sure what the point you are trying to make is.

The point is, you're saying they changed it because people didn't like it, but they explicitly told us why, and it's NOT that.

50 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

If anything it proves that the dynamic of the class is that primal bursts are supposed to be 'put behind berserk mode'...not disconnected from it.

Yeah, and they still are lol. It's just a different button to go into zerk and flip over your burst button. Just because it's on a separate button doesn't mean it isn't "behind" it.

As far as the SC discord hating it, you're asking an incredibly biased sample, and also who cares lol. They have no interest in the utility of the change because it doesn't matter there. Of course they're gonna be unhappy with it, hitting an extra button once in a while is harder than hitting 1.

It's still nice to have for things like fractals, where you might want some damage from your adrenaline via Combustive Shot, but don't want to zerk because a boss is up ahead, or something like that. You couldn't do that before, and now you can.

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14 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

I already use them as they are, I just don't want 2 keybinds and, if the 'stance' keybind absolutely needs to be separate from the bursts, then I want the bursts (core and primal) to be on different keybinds from each other. One or the other. 3 keybinds or all the zerker related abilities and triggers on one and core on another.

I'm also getting tired of the tone of some answers that seem to imply I don't know how things work or used to work and faik to address the specific points I'm making. I also clearly stated I have this issue specifically for competitive modes where blowing adrenaline on core bursts will likely result in death.

What is the problem in keeping separate core and primal burst (irrespective of whether berserk mode trigger is separate from them or not)? Why having core on F1, primal on F2 and berserk on F3 doesn't work? Whatever the reason you believe this does not work please think about how this set up with 3 buttons woukd be different than the current one.

From what I've read of your posts so far, you seem to be asking to have Berserk moved to F1 and Core Burst on F2, and have the Berserk F1 be the "this button only for berserk things" button so that all you have to do is hit F1 because you don't want to hit F2. Is that right or wrong? Cuz that's how it reads when you ask for a "third button", as the keybind would effectively just make the class feature function like it did a few months ago. And the only reason I could possibly think that you would want that implemented is because you're having trouble adapting to it in its current state, which is fine and you're free to want the changes, but you need to understand how others are viewing what you're asking as well.


That being said, I'm not disagreeing with the concept of having more user customizability in terms of keybinds, I was only pointing out the current state of the skills and what utilities they provide.


Also, a setup with 3 different buttons laid out in F1 2 and 3 wouldn't work in the current state as your core bursts are transformed into the berserk bursts, that way you aren't getting core utility with the number of bursts you can output in berserker. The balancing may not add up when it comes to damage numbers, but it is important to have that distinction.

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19 hours ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

From what I've read of your posts so far, you seem to be asking to have Berserk moved to F1 and Core Burst on F2, and have the Berserk F1 be the "this button only for berserk things" button so that all you have to do is hit F1 because you don't want to hit F2. Is that right or wrong? Cuz that's how it reads when you ask for a "third button", as the keybind would effectively just make the class feature function like it did a few months ago. And the only reason I could possibly think that you would want that implemented is because you're having trouble adapting to it in its current state, which is fine and you're free to want the changes, but you need to understand how others are viewing what you're asking as well.

That is correct, it's what I'm asking, and you are free to assume incorrectly. Not sure why anyone would prefer 2 keybinds over one and I'm not going to entertain a discussion with people thinking using adrenaline for core burst is a good idea in competitive, as that actually begs the question at what level they play in pvp and I really am trying hard not to go there. It's like arguing you can use them in pve even if it means delaying berserk.

The fact I can use the current setup just fine does not mean it shouldn't be improved, because it's plainly inferior to the alternative due to constraints with setting keybinds AND due to core burst being lackluster and sharing the same resource as berserk and primal bursts. Also we all play other classes that use way more Function buttons, those buttons makes sense and crucially abilities are split all the way to F7 so you can really customise however the hell you want.

19 hours ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

Also, a setup with 3 different buttons laid out in F1 2 and 3 wouldn't work in the current state as your core bursts are transformed into the berserk bursts, that way you aren't getting core utility with the number of bursts you can output in berserker. The balancing may not add up when it comes to damage numbers, but it is important to have that distinction.

The 3 buttons was just a provocation because the same reasoning people apply to keeping the current unique setup which has no equivalent in the game (ie. a button disappearing paired with another switching between abilities without being a flip skill) could also be applied the same way to a setup with 3 buttons. Because this is the essence of the problem here and also the reason why customising keybinds does not work.

The one smart comment I've read so far is the person who wants to turn berserk into a flip skill to toggle berserk mode on and off (i.e. allow the option to end it early) and if that were the case I wouldn't mind the current setup because it would absolutely make sense to have at least 2 keybinds (I would ask for 3 in that scenario), as I said a few times above. Unfortunately that's not what we have now.

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54 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

I'm not going to entertain a discussion with people thinking using core burst is a good idea in competitive, as that actually begs the question at what level they play in pvp and I really am trying hard not to go there.

lol go for it mate, it'll be fun

been hovering around top 50 this season goofing around as condi zerk/condi core for legendary armor

surely you gotta be like top 10 if you're gonna be this snarky right

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25 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

lol go for it mate, it'll be fun

been hovering around top 50 this season goofing around as condi zerk/condi core for legendary armor

surely you gotta be like top 10 if you're gonna be this snarky right

I'll take this with a grain of salt and let's leave it at that. People do tend to brag, but claiming to be plat 3 while not being a hardcore pvp player and just goofing around on zerker and core is bewildering lol.

You see, nobody at that level plays zerker even when they play warrior and since most of them stream...

As I said, let's not go there. Agree to disagree on core bursts (that they are worth it and that you can land them reliably) and let's move on.

Oh and btw flame flurry not only hit outside of melee range more often than it doesn't (it's not a ranged skill and it's prone to miss moving targets if they are too far or too fast), but it hits targets even directly behind you. I'm sure you are aware.

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9 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

I'll take this with a grain of salt and let's leave it at that. People do tend to brag, but claiming to be plat 3 while playing on zerker and core is bewildering lol.

I mean, I play on NA, not EU, but it's not that hard to find out if someone's lying. I think I've played like, two SpB games this season? Less than 5, anyways.


I'm pretty content with it considering it's Zerk, solo queue, and mostly been about farming the legendary armor. So yeah, using core bursts in niche situations ain't too bad.

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10 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

I mean, I play on NA, not EU, but it's not that hard to find out if someone's lying. I think I've played like, two SpB games this season? Less than 5, anyways.


I'm pretty content with it considering it's Zerk, solo queue, and mostly been about farming the legendary armor. So yeah, using core bursts in niche situations ain't too bad.

Your rank would have you around 200 on EU and a bunch of people on my list who I know are above that have their rating reduced due to decay, but still that's impressive if what you say about not playing spellbreaker and not playing other classes is true. Maybe I should reset one account and get it on an NA server so I can also see what all the fuss about Maguuma and Blackgate is.

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1 minute ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Your rank would have you around 200 on EU

Well, yeah? EU's got a significantly larger population participating in PvP. It has more rating flowing through it to allow a more normal distribution. Comparing the ladders in a vacuum is silly. That's not how a rating system works.

I probably would be lower there, because of a variety of factors like ping and how competitive it is, but just taking the rating directly across isn't gonna tell you what I would be.

If there's anybody regularly playing condi zerk at a higher rating than me I'd be kinda surprised. I know there's not on NA, surely nobody's that dumb/insane on EU either. And if they are, they've probably made use of the regular bursts too.

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1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Well, yeah? EU's got a significantly larger population participating in PvP. It has more rating flowing through it to allow a more normal distribution. Comparing the ladders in a vacuum is silly. That's not how a rating system works.

I probably would be lower there, because of a variety of factors like ping and how competitive it is, but just taking the rating directly across isn't gonna tell you what I would be.

If there's anybody regularly playing condi zerk at a higher rating than me I'd be kinda surprised. I know there's not on NA, surely nobody's that dumb/insane on EU either. And if they are, they've probably made use of the regular bursts too.

Explain to me what would change for you if they swapped the position of berserk and burst or if they assigned different slots to primal burst and burst. I still wouldn't use the regular burst other than in pve or in meaningless situations (but crucially without the chance of it going off by chance as berserk mode ends) and you still would use it as you please. You'd still have 2 (or 3) separate keybinds, like you have now, and you could still use both primal and regular core, as you do now, so what gives?

When they make berserk flippable as someone suggested I'll retract this request, but considering this may never happen it's silly to ask keeping the status quo in light of that theoretical possibility.

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4 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

That is correct, it's what I'm asking, and you are free to assume incorrectly. Not sure why anyone would prefer 2 keybinds over one and I'm not going to entertain a discussion with people thinking using adrenaline for core burst is a good idea in competitive, as that actually begs the question at what level they play in pvp and I really am trying hard not to go there. It's like arguing you can use them in pve even if it means delaying berserk.

The fact I can use the current setup just fine does not mean it shouldn't be improved, because it's plainly inferior to the alternative due to constraints with setting keybinds AND due to core burst being lackluster and sharing the same resource as berserk and primal bursts. Also we all play other classes that use way more Function buttons, those buttons makes sense and crucially abilities are split all the way to F7 so you can really customise however the hell you want.

The 3 buttons was just a provocation because the same reasoning people apply to keeping the current unique setup which has no equivalent in the game (ie. a button disappearing paired with another switching between abilities without being a flip skill) could also be applied the same way to a setup with 3 buttons. Because this is the essence of the problem here and also the reason why customising keybinds does not work.

The one smart comment I've read so far is the person who wants to turn berserk into a flip skill to toggle berserk mode on and off (i.e. allow the option to end it early) and if that were the case I wouldn't mind the current setup because it would absolutely make sense to have at least 2 keybinds (I would ask for 3 in that scenario), as I said a few times above. Unfortunately that's not what we have now.

Note that I use the phrase "current state" for a reason. I very much would love to see changes to berserk to make it distinct from core bursts on its own. As it currently stands, I only really utilize core burst on greatsword when I need to get fury, as the berserker variant doesn't provide any, and I'll then pop headbutt to get back to a full bar and start the berserk combo. Mind, this is obviously a PvE setup, as landing that many distinct burst skills back-to-back in PvP is a pipe dream.


This response also makes it seem like you ignored the part where I agreed with you and wanted better customizability.

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