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[Bug} Comfy cat chair, character position

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When it first came onto the gem store, my character would sit on it so that my legs disappeared into the middle of the chair.  For turning it into a bed, I just /sleep and then selected the chair to show my character lying on it.

Then a patch came out and we were lying on the chair (it really does look more like a bed) when activating the novelty, no /sleep required.

After the latest patch, it's sitting on the bed and having to revert back to /sleep then activating in order to look like lying on it.


Which is the intended effect?  I prefer the lying down, although I admit that this isn't what people normally do on chairs. And if it's sit, it's weird to be sitting in the middle so that your legs disappear into the chair, rather than sitting on the edge.

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I'd say that sleeping is the intended effect. For me the chair worked on the sleeping position from the start and still works this way. I've seen players do dodge just before activating the novelty to make their character sit on the bed instead. I'd guess this is basically same as other emote glitching, eg. /dance before using a mount and your character will dance on the mount, but this glitch has never worked for me.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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I'm standing still before I put the bed down, and I have ended up sitting since the last patch. I think it was the patch before that which enabled me to lie automatically. I bought the cat bed on the first day it was available, and I saw other people sitting on it too.

My female charr is sitting on it, on the tummy with the legs between the bed legs - Rata Sum. Female norn is lying on it - Eye of the North, Rata Sum. Female asura is lying on it - Aerodrome. (I'm checking these out while typing this comment).

Maybe it's a random bug? The same norn was sitting on the chair in Sparkfly Fen yesterday just ahead of reset, but lies on it now (admittedly not the same spot in Sparkfly Fen).

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