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Character Lore


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Character Lore

Hi everyone! So I decided to create this thread for everyone to post a short or long lore about themselves (character). It would be cool to learn about each person history either if they started way back in the first Guild Wars or came into this world as champions at the start of Guild Wars 2.

There’s no limit or restrictions as to what you can write about when it comes to your lore as everyone’s personal story and pilgrimage is different.

Also, if you wish to - you can always return back to your post to edit and add more.

Can’t wait to read all of your lores and for those who like to RP, it would be even cooler to see you in game!

Enjoy!! <3

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Tseison spent most of his life with his grandparents just on the borders of the Qinkaishi Mountains. His mother was a canthan noble and Minstrel at the Raisu Palace. While his father, a warrior and known merchant came from Vabbi. But during Shiros up rising, he lost both of his parents when they joined the allying forces of the Luxon and Kurzicks to stop him. He then was taken in the care of his grandparents who were of Kurzick heritage and well versed in Druidism.

With Shiros return it was when Tseison decided to take arms with other heroes like him who’ve lost someone and seek revenge. But he knew he would need much more to take down such a powerful foe and thus so, he turned to his extended family with the Kurzick in the Echovald Forest.

During that time, Shiros forces were overwhelming the kurzicks and last line of defense at the Eternal Grove. A place too familiar as it’s where his mother spent some of her time at amongst the other tree singers.

There were other heroes from different parts of the world that lended their aid, but with the grove down to its last forever tree - it was bound to be a losing battle. It was then when Tseison volunteered to undergo the ritual to turn him into a juggernaut. It was a huge sacrifice but a sacrifice to protect the kurzicks and stop Shiro.

As the ritual commenced, it was suddenly interrupted by a trio of Shiros powerful witches. This caused the ritual to be incomplete but also fused plant components and traits with Tseisons body (that’s why my character looks like a sylvari but technically he isn’t one). He was able to drive the forces back but in the end, it left him cursed and blessed.

Himself along with other heroes were able to finally defeat Shiro, but he felt a new evil rising back at his fathers home in Elona and that’s when he set out to find this evil.


In Elona Tseison came across many warriors who knew of his father and also came in touch with Kormir. But with word of his arrival, it spread to Warmarshal Varesh Ossa whose rise to power was becoming questionable.

It was then when the goddess Lyssa paid Tseison a visit, baring a gift and a warning of Abaddons coming.

Many battles were fought and won. But there were a lot of losses and a point where allies became foes due to Varesh’ deception. She was soon taken care of and defeated with the help of the Sunspears and a norn named Daziel Buhllson who slowly developed feelings for Tseison.

Abaddon had possession over Varesh and with her end, came his awakening. The gift Lyssa bestowed Tseison with would allow him to ascend into god hood, stripping Abaddon of all his power whilst killing him.

Tseison, among allies old and new arrived to defeat Abaddon. But as he was gripping to hang on once the final blow was done, it was Kormir who interrupted the process as Tseison was gathering the godlike energies. She sacrificed herself and became the Goddess of Truth. With such an action, Tseison was bestowed with some of the fallen gods power allowing him to see more into the future and read the secrets and thoughts of others hidden within them.

With the end of Nightfall, Tseison fled with Daziel to the north to live in peace. But peace was something he knew would come short as the future ahead carried many events to come to pass.


As the years went by, Tseison and Daziel lived a life of love and freedom. Tseison continued to show no signs of aging but it seemed his powers were growing. Being a powerful Mesmer himself, his new gifts were causing him to hear voices from afar, he was developing this strange connection with nature and soon bending space and time all around.

He was becoming afraid of himself and all of his power, it was then he got contacted in one of his dreams by an unknown being. They called themselves, the pale tree.

When they’re voice came to light Tseison fled to the tarnished coast to meet them. Upon his arrival, he met the being known as the pale mother, an entity in the form of a giant tree that housed a small handful of a race called Sylvari.

The sylvari almost resembled how he looked but were ever so short compared to his stature. The pale tree and sylvari were very humble and welcoming with his arrival and were eager to learn. Thus so, Tseison spent most of his days with them and watched them all grow with knowledge not only from Ventaris Tablet but also from him.

To be continued...

Fun facts

Tseisons Chamber is located through a portal that can only be accessed within a secret tunnel under Ronans Bower. The chamber is blooming with plant life and mirrors that are used to see into the future.

Tseison tore through reality to create a portal into Kormirs Sanctum and confronted her in regards to the events that happened in Elona and her stealing abaddons power for herself.

Tseisons illusions form in the shape of giant vines sometimes.

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The Narcemus family was a strong family of merchants that had trade houses in Ascalon, Kryta, Orr, Istan and Cantha, but hailing from Ascalon. The effects of the searing changed all of that. My main character, Harlondel Narcemus, was a young lad in Ascalon before the Searing occurred. He was heir to being the head of the family, but being young and impetuous he joined Rurik's elite fighting force, and when the Searing occurred he fought with a fiery passion against the Charr to get vengance .

2 years after the Searing he returned to find his house in shambles. His beloved sister, Rose, had not survived the Searing. From then on out he referred to her as a Rose of no Thorns. His brother Quadrius joined him in an attempt to strengthen Ascalon back to what it used to be, but after the loss of Rin, they realized this would not be the case. They packed up everything they owned and all of their household that remained and followed Rurik into exile. They trudged through the Shiverpeaks doing everything in their power to pave a safe path through the mountains into Kryta, but lost many along the way.

Once in Kryta they helped to found Ascalon Settlement and reestablish their trade house alongside those located in Lion's Arch. In order to gain favor with the rulers of the land, they joined the White Mantle and assisted them until learning the dark truth about their order and turning to the Shining Blade. Knowing that they had to stop the White Mantle in order to make their family safe, they journeyed into the Crystal Desert and completed the trials of ascension. Then moved into the Southern Shiverpeaks to come to the defence of their dwarves friends. After becoming infused with protective magics, they wiped out much of the White Mantle, Stone Summit, and Mursaat. Here they created a lasting alliance with their Dwarven friends.

Knowing that the Mursaat would only return in greater numbers, they traveled to the Ring of Fire to finish the job. They stormed through the Mursaat defenses and broke open the Door of Komalie, allowing the Titans into Tyria. They chased down the Lich Lord and slew him on the Bloodstone, sealing the Door once more. Upon returning to Kryta, they found that things were still not looking good. The Titans had started assembling armies to attack the main strongholds of Tyria. They went to the defense of their dwarves friends and vanquished all dwarves foes in the vicinity. They then returned and did the same in Kryta and the Henge of Denravi.

They then grabbed heroes from throughout Kryta to their side and cut a path through back to Ascalon, where they defeated the Titans attacking King Adlebern. When he refused to join them in the safety of Kryta, they then returned, allowing all who wished to join them in exile to come. Along the way back they attacked and devastated the Flame Temple and the Titans nearby in the Dragon's Gullet, likely giving Ascalon a short reprieve from the Charr attacks.

(More to come)

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