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Bombing People As Untamed In WvW


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So... hmmm... Hi 🙃
Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a good player, the best ranger or any of those fancy wancy titles, I am just a player who enjoys playing untamed since beta just bombing groups while being solo and/or with others.
I made few videos to share how it looks like from my POV when running around and just messing with others.
(somehow youtube always manages to screw up the quality of the video 😢)
Enjoy! o/

PS. - the titles of the videos were not referring to the legendary variations 😬



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Nice I have been thinking of doing a similar build for a while. Right now I just use Axe+Axe (same combo) and shortbow for chasing but otherwise very similar. 

The main problem I get is when people are to chicken to engage(either Zerg) so sometimes I duel Longbow Soulbeast when this happens. 

I find druid is best for sieges, especially when you are really outnumbered.

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