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How often bag slot expansions go on sale?

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There's no particular pattern to bag slot sales that I've ever found. Black Friday sometimes has interesting stuff, sometimes not so much. Sometimes the discount has been just 50 or 100 gems off; sometimes it's been 200 gems (50% cheaper).

Generally speaking, ANet will refund a sale savings if you buy "just before" the sale. The tricky thing is: there's no fixed definition to "just before." But that would only apply to buying the bag slot expansions, not to changing your mind on the Jump Start.

In your shoes, I'd ask the following questions:

  • Am I so desperate for storage that I can't wait a week? Yes? then buy the Jump Start.
  • No? then ask: can't I wait another month, to see what's for sale during Wintersday?

Personally, I'm waiting. I want to add some more slots and I'd rather get 4 for the price of 3 (or maybe 4 for the price of 2).

Some helpful math:The Jump Start includes 3320 gems worth of 'stuff':

  • Two bank expansion tabs (1200 total),
  • Two bag slot expansions (800 total),
  • 10 BL Keys (900 total),
  • 15 xmute charges (420 gems total).
  • There's also some dyes, but those aren't worth more than about 6 gold (negligible).

However, if you're only interested in storage, it's 2000 gems worth of 'stuff'. The "freebies" are the BL keys and the xmute charges. Unless you change styles often or just love BL keys, that's not much additional value. Better than nothing, but not close to the 1320 gems it seems from the TP prices, especially since if you had that much extra, you'd probably buy some more slots.

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