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Affiliate program questions

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Not sure where to put this, and experience tells me a support ticket isn't the right answer.

I'm really hoping someone can clear something up about the affiliate program. And if not, please refer me to someone who can.

As any form of application has been removed from the website, I was wondering if it has been shut down entirely? I can't find the link on the front page anymore, and it's gone from Google's history.

The reason I'm asking is that I got accepted as an affiliate (read: not partner) through the CJ platform a year ago - right up before the launch of End of Dragons. The CJ platform is where you'd get sent to when you pressed "apply" on the now non-existant affiliate program page. I got my URL, even though very shady-looking, and asked my friends and the viewers of my Twitch stream to use this whenever they'd purchase the game, or upgrade an account. I've even used it myself three times, most recently in January 2023 for a free-to-play account upgrade. It appears to be working, yet one must disable all sorts of adblockers to not end up on a blank page.

Yet, I'm now receiving emails from the CJ platform saying I haven't earned a single commision within the last 5 months and my account is about to be deactivated as a result. Again, I used my own link not even a month ago as of writing.

So another question would be: If the affiliate program is shut down or moved to another platform, why weren't current affiliates notified about this?

And a third question: since partners have their own affiliate URL that leads players into a guildwars2-namespaced URL on go2cloud, why is/was the affiliate program outsourced to yet another third party? I've had so many players ask me if the URL was safe. I mean, would *you* click a URL starting with "kqzyfj.com"?


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