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How does placing even work

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20 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Just took four Ls to one W while trying to place. I thought it was supposed to give you a 50/50 split? Losing four out of five matches isn't really fun...

It uses glicko which essentially means the less you have played the higher variability you will get in your match making until it can find your skill level. I am assuming you haven’t played very long and it’s placing you into matches with better players until it evens out to your skill level.

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It soft resets, if you never played you just start at 1200 rating, if you already played a season it will be like this


(previous season rating + 1200) / 2

Then your 3 first matches have super high volatility, you can check the scores from you placements at gw2efficiency if you haven't finished it yet (it only shows last 10 matches), I lost -97 by losing my first match then -76 the second, after the 3 it decreases bit by bit till you get to average +- 35, you still have high volatility till your 20th game (you'll see a lot +-20 to 30), after that you should be getting normal numbers like 11 and 13


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9 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

It uses glicko which essentially means the less you have played the higher variability you will get in your match making until it can find your skill level. I am assuming you haven’t played very long and it’s placing you into matches with better players until it evens out to your skill level.

I have over 300 games played on my mesmer but I probably have only around 30 on ranked...does it matter between ranked/unranked?

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placement matches in this game are completely irrelevant and totally meaningless, serve no purpose at all.


u can go up and down entire divisions worth of rating in a single play setting of like 2 hours.


the devs of this game are some of the worst in the entire market and should be fired for their incompetence if nothing else

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