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Black Lion Garden Plot nodes, vendor and Dedicated Gardner achievement missing

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I purchased the Black Lion Garden Plot Deed and accepted it through the mail.  The plot/nodes, quick access route, the vendor and the achievement are all missing.


Followed the Getting There directions  in Garden Plot to locate the garden/nodes, but they aren't showing.  Nor is the Launch-Mushroom to Garden.


In Dreamer's Terrace I checked the supposed location of Mender Caeva, the gardener vendor who is supposed to be there to sell the seeds.  According to the Black Lion Garden Plot Deed text, "The seeds need to be purchased from a Gardener near the plot. They are free, however, some of the seeds need to be unlocked first via additional collection."  As only *some* of the seeds need to be unlocked, the vendor should be present immediately.  Further evidence of the expectation of the nodes and vendor gardener being present immediately is in the wording in the email, "Your new garden has been installed in your home and is now ready for use." and, "Your gardener will have several seeds available to start, but you can unlock more varieties by harvesting seeds from plants in the wild."

Having searched around, both inside and outside, Dreamer's Terrace to no avail I had a look at the Dedicated Gardner achievement.  I put the API key in (which I have proven works with other trackers) and nothing shows as having been completed.  Okay, so I haven't harvested any plants since obtaining the deed, not surprising but I then I checked the achievement within the game [H], and it is not being shown.  I searched for 'dedicated gardener' and 'gardener' (with and without capitals, although that shouldn't make any difference from testing with other achievements), and no listing appeared.  Whilst typing the list of achievements is filtered up to 'ded', as soon as the 'i' is entered the list is empty.  So the filtering is working, the achievement simply is not showing. (Similar for 'gard' ener.)

I have shut-down and restarted GW2 and tried the above again, but the expected items are still all missing.


Having accepted the Deed the message has been erased (not sure why that's necessary, the item could simply be greyed-out after being collected - and yeah, that goes for all messages with items attached, but that's another improvement which could be made).  The transaction is showing in the Black Lion Trading Company history, so it did go through, and yes, the GEMs have been deducted from my account.


There is nothing in the write-up in the Wiki for the Garden Plot Deed which says you must wait until the daily reset to be able to access the vendor, the nodes, or the achievement.


Checked Salma District.  No plot/nodes, no Launchpad to Garden, no vendor.

Checked Hunters Heath.  No plot/nodes, no Raven Statue (home instance), no vendor.


Conclusion: something is broken and my plot/nodes, vendor, quick access routes to the plot, and achievement aren't being shown.


Also reported in-game via bug-report (Black Lion Trading\Other)..


No screenshots included because the forum has apparently been deliberately designed to hinder the inclusion of any evidence of faults.  It doesn't provide a button to insert an image (despite the error message saying whilst you can't paste/drag an image in, you can insert (and no, linking via an URL is not inserting an image, it's linking to it, but don't get hung up on ANETs desire to restrict the ability to provide visual evidence of faults, that's another issue . . .  which no-one will actually do anything about, despite it being a valuable means for providing evidence).


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Many posters use the option to provide a link to their screenshots.  You can, as well.

An in-game Bug Report will garner no response, as indicated in the Bug Report window.

You can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance.

Good luck.

(In the meantime, you could try a -repair of the client, in case of corrupted files.)

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18 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Many posters use the option to provide a link to their screenshots.  You can, as well.

The points being that 1) the guidance says you can include an image, but can't and 2) inserting a URL relies on the image having been posted somewhere else which is, to put it bluntly, a) more effort than should be necessary (requiring a third-party solution for posting the image to, before the URL can be created, and yes I get that there are various free solutions out there, but actively discouraging inclusion of images by making it harder to do ... ? that's just, b) evidence they not really invested in solving issues.

Yes, I understand ANET can't be bothered to provide responses to issues reported through the Bug Report dialogue.  Although it is reasonable to expect them to at least investigate and fix an issue such as this.  Given the issue is still present after the daily reset the only option remaining is to use the the third method of raising an issue.  I'd hoped it was something simple which others had come across, would be able to advise effectively on, and eliminate the need to contact ANET using Raise a Ticket, because clearly ANET have more important things to be doing than fixing issues (and previous experience that Raise a Ticket is equally inefficient as the forum.  At least with posts to the forum ANETs lack of investment in their players is more public.

Thank you for your suggestions.

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On 4/6/2023 at 10:58 AM, Widebody.5071 said:

I'm having the same problem, I thought that the 2 plots behind the gardener were it but I'm getting no response , what am I missing here. 

My mistake I didn't see the jumper by the seasaw until the next day.  Kind of boneheaded huh?

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