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[SIGH] E for Effort - [PvX, NA] - Be a member, not a number.


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Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this. If centaurs laugh at you for being too slow, and pocket raptors are constantly stealing your lunch, this may be the guild for you. 🙂


Some info about us!

Currently, we have 4 spots open and usually average around 10-15+ online per evening, though we often have members that play throughout the day and some that are on European time. We are going to hard cap at 100 for members. I really enjoy being a part of a smaller community.


While we are a casual, relaxed guild, there are some rules and expectations:

  1. Discord is required. 18+.
  2. Be a decent human being. No one here will yell at you for not being good enough, or not having the proper DPS numbers.
  3. I expect that you'll represent and try to be a part of the guild, but representation is not required all the time. With that being said, while I don't crack the whip on representation, we're really looking for people who want to try and be a part of the guild.


We have a maxed-out guild hall. We also have a number of people that enjoy WvW. Currently, most of us are on Ehmry Bay, but with alliances coming soon, that won't matter for too much longer. Transfers welcome!


We have a mixture of new players and veterans. Some of the people in this guild I have played with for years and some of our newer players have dove right in. I am not a guild leader that is going to hold your hand, or make guild leading a job; I will ask that you make some effort as well in becoming a part of what we are. I think you'll find it rather rewarding!


We are open to seasoned veterans and those who are just starting the game for the first time, as well as anything in between. We go into more difficult content with a positive attitude and about having fun, even if we aren't successful. We are definitely not pro gamers by any stretch of the imagination. We have an active discord as our main chat platform. Even an activities manager that does little games both in and out of GW2!


We have a ranking system in the guild that gives you access to specific things in the guild hall, as well as other benefits, such as priority invites to strikes and raids. You gain ranks based on your activity level in the guild; i.e., showing up for events, chatting, and helping other people out, whether in game or on discord. We also have an inactivity system. If you go inactive for longer than two months without me knowing why, you'll be removed from the guild. You'd always be welcome back though!


I'd love to chat with you further and answer any questions that you might have. Feel welcome to hunt me down in game - Stark.1350. Thank you so much for reading this!


Edited by Stark.1350
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33 minutes ago, Tsaigos.7681 said:

When you say casual, how casual is that? Like is there someone generally on? And how often do you guys use VC?

We have a pretty active discord. And we usually average 10+ people on a night, though being a small guild, there are quiet days. The one disadvantage. 🙂

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Hey everyone! We are opening 5 spots for recruits at this time. A couple of things I'd like to address:


1.) I'm not interested in being your backup guild between WoW seasons. 

2.) Seeking active players in GW2 that would like to do 10-man content especially.


Please message me in game if you're interested! Thank you!

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48 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

I'm a ten-year veteran from Ehmry Bay with 24k hours, highly experienced with builds for all game modes. I'd be interested in checking your guild out if you still have a slot available!

Oh, I totally screwed up quoting. lol

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  • Stark.1350 changed the title to [SIGH] E for Effort - [PvX, NA] - Be a part of a family, not lost in the masses!
  • Stark.1350 changed the title to [SIGH] E for Effort - [PvX, NA] - Why just be another number in a guild when you can be something more?

Hey Stark. Thanks for replying to my thread. Definitely like that you schedule events in PST. I'd like to join your guild and community if you'll have me. I also like how much effort you are putting into recruiting on the forums --- fits the guild name!

Edited by Kagaho.5378
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27 minutes ago, Kagaho.5378 said:

Hey Stark. Thanks for replying to my thread. Definitely like that you schedule events in PST. I'd like to join your guild and community if you'll have me. I also like how much effort you are putting into recruiting on the forums --- fits the guild name!

I'll add you in game - would be happy to chat with you further. 🙂

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  • Stark.1350 changed the title to [SIGH] E for Effort - [PvX, NA] - Be a member, not a number.
  • 2 weeks later...

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