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On 5/5/2023 at 2:34 AM, felix.2386 said:

fun fact, currently the really good players are all enjoying the meta. it is the best meta gw2 has ever gotten in many years. the ones complaining are really the lower end of the stick. salty gold players with big egos but without builds to carry them.

gw2 had so many brain-dead skillless builds that carried these people and made them think they deserve plat+. if you aren't enjoying the current meta, you are just some brain-dead builds abusers. sorry for you these builds don't work as well anymore.

For competitive player in the sense that they wanna just win (tournaments), it is enough when there are more than 3 classes playable at high lvl, when there is some skill ceiling left, so they can distinguish themselves from worse players and that stuff dies in the end.

Yes it could be even worse than now but overall the game got dumbed down and more and more braindead over the last years. EOD is just the last example for that.

Rotation mistakes have way less impact these days with the power creeped mobility, they deleted skillful core mechanics like shorter leaps. Most builds are too useful everywhere on the map and too good in too many things (roaming, duelling, tf). All this bruiser crap with way too much defense and way too much dmg... 

Current builds like proc reaper, condi berserker, well spam chrono, untamed, nade spam engi, cata/ weaver etc are far away from being hard to play, no matter if meta or not, even most off meta stuff is pretty braindead these days. Sure we have no bunker meta atm but only because dmg is just as broken power creeped as sustain and mobility.  

Most good player in particular the ones that are hard comeptitive, are just happy with very little when it comes to skill intensity, what is sad,  they should ask for more since they are able to play a more skilled game unlike all the forum heroes crying in hope their own class get buffed even more in a game state that actually would need a full reset in currencies to stop the inflation to have a chance of getting a remarkable amount of skill intensity back into the game again.

Edited by ano nimo.3948
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On 5/4/2023 at 6:56 PM, ano nimo.3948 said:

If you think the game is in a skillful state you must be smoking some nice weed or you are just pretty low skilled. Also thinking current devs do a good job biased and clueless as they are... ye see prev sentence.

Last MAT, top players said that the game had a lot of viable builds, that the meta was fun. Are you winning MAT? 

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4 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

HAHAH more braindead?

currently, meta builds have the highest skill requirement there ever since the HoT release and it has the highest diversity of builds in the mAT final.

if you think otherwise you are smoking some garbage weed, tell me a past meta with builds that are even remotely close to hard to play.


Your response doesn't hit my points. I am not comparing different metas, this also wasn't the point i particularly disagreed with you. You cannot get old metas back, the game changed too much in every decade. Not only because of elites added, also because of a lot of fundamental reworks (traitsystemrework pre hot, lot of traits became baseline, you can equip 3 major gm traits now. Also condis were changed for pve reasons etc. etc.).  

I am not one of those blaming the addition of elites for everything, i even think some added interesting new mechanics and additional skill ceiling and i don't want to delete them from the game. So it doesn't rly make sense to compare metas since they are very different and meta in gw2 always was not only the strongest but also always the most braindead to abuse at its time (also there were times where the build disadvantage from skilled off meta stuff to the meta abuse builds were not as high as in all the last years). 

I am talking about what skill intensity i think would be good for the game, or more what skill intensity i would personally prefer to have. And if you need to know so badly a meta that came the closest to my preferences, than indeed i have to go back to core.  Where builds had dedicated roles and were not good at everything and everywhere on the map, where mobility wasn't insanely power creeped that rotation mistakes matter less and less etc. Just everything i mentioned in my previous post. 

And even tho there were more braindead metas in the past compared to today (because more bunkerish) the skill intensity in the game overall (not only in the meta builds) is clearly decreasing. And the reasons the current meta is less bunkerish and with a bit more ceiling than during bunker wars times are also not better balances but equally power creeped dmg and mobility, means even more power creep. And countering power creep with power creep is only fake good balance in my opinion. 

Edited by ano nimo.3948
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On 5/6/2023 at 1:52 PM, Dr Meta.3158 said:

Having came back recently after the May 2nd patch. I will say something I didn't think I would.

Things got a little better after the patch. There are definitely still a lot of problems but it didn't get worse. Given that there won't be any more elite specs and no need to push sales of expansions through them, I think we may be headed in a positive trajectory without clear upcoming pits to fall in for the first time ever in this game.




Not negativity locked, I'm keeping a close eye on that.


lets see if that trajectory continues and it isn't sabotaged by the numerous issues we have become familiar with when it comes to communication and adjustments based on what the community and professions need. 

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