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[NA] [PvX] The Meow House [CAT] wants you!!! Yes, you! Casual/New/Veteran ADULT players all wanted!


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Hi!! Long time player here returning to the game and looking for a "real" guild. By real, I mean one that actually does what they promise. Too many times I've been in a guild that promised it was active and run content daily only to find dead silence...both in the in game chat and their discord. I even had a guild go as far as to kick me because I'm a volunteer firefighter/EMT and got paged out in the middle of running guild missions. Because I just "disappeared" (even though they all knew that I was a volunteer) I got kicked.

Anyways, your recruiting ad sounded great and I'd love to check the guild out. Hit me up in game or just send an invite!!


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Recently returned to GW2 after several years away and am looking for an active guild to join.   I've played several other MMOs and been a trusted member in various guilds in those games. This seems like a good match to my interests so I'd appreciate an invite.

Edited by Arturen.4306
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