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No one complained about the Macaw wings so why the drama for Skyscale?

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6 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

How are those two things even related? 😄 That's like comparing apples with oranges. One took effort, the other just a credit card (or in-game gold).

And just to make sure people did complain about the macaw wings.

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8 hours ago, doomer.6095 said:

You really have to do research on meaning of "survivorship bias".

"I did it this way so you can/should do it this way too" is survivorship bias though and that is ultimately what the argument against the new skyscale acquisition method is about no matter how people wanna dress it up as. They think because they were willing to put up through the tedious nonsense that was the skyscale collection and see other people with the skyscale that others should also go through the old method because of their weird sense of accomplishment and exclusivity while not taking into account the many more people who gave up on getting the skyscale or even quit the game. People against this change actually want the game to stay worse than it could be just to make themselves feel better. 


You see the same thing a lot with people who legally immigrate to the US when compared to those who illegally immigrate, they tend to say a lot of the same things. 

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23 hours ago, Gerplunka.3861 said:

"I did it this way so you can/should do it this way too" is survivorship bias though and that is ultimately what the argument against the new skyscale acquisition method is about no matter how people wanna dress it up as. They think because they were willing to put up through the tedious nonsense that was the skyscale collection and see other people with the skyscale that others should also go through the old method because of their weird sense of accomplishment and exclusivity while not taking into account the many more people who gave up on getting the skyscale or even quit the game. People against this change actually want the game to stay worse than it could be just to make themselves feel better. 


You see the same thing a lot with people who legally immigrate to the US when compared to those who illegally immigrate, they tend to say a lot of the same things. 

As I said...

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On 6/27/2023 at 11:32 PM, America.9437 said:

I bought the Macaw wings last year with real $ cause I was like "those are cool".

People getting them for free this month in no way affected my purchase.  Zero.  In fact I'm happy.  Good on Anet for that!

So why the drama for Skyscale?

Perhaps Anet could rainbow color it so yall stop complaining.

Macaw Wings and Skyscale are in no way the same. Skyscale has a functional use, and a very game changing one. 

I don't necessarily agree with adding a second way to get Skyscale through a different expansion, especially when by the looks of it, it's gonna be easier to get that way. I really hope it's not gonna be as easy as basically slapping players with a Skyscale in face as soon as the expansion releases, basically making anyone who pre-ordered SotO a Skyscale owner already. 

Which I don't think it's going to be the case. 

But I understand that most of us who got it the normal way are gonna feel cheated,especially those who were there when War Eternal released and rushed the skyscale before even a proper guide was put together by anyone. 

I really just hope the new way will be at least difficult enough to give that sense of achievement getting Skyscale from LWS4 did. 

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