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Mace problems


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When will main hand Mace be addressed? I've tried playing with this weapon numerous times, as I really enjoy the theme of bashing skulls as a warrior. However, it doesn't seem to work well, particularly in competitive modes. It's somewhat usable on the Berserker specialization due to the leap on the Primal Burst, but the auto attack chain and other skills still leave a lot to be desired. I don't have numbers to support my this, but the Mace must be one of the least used weapons in the Warrior arsenal. Why would someone choose the Mace when the Hammer exists?!


The burst skill feels so bad to use, you can very rarely land it. A few patches ago, the trait Aggressive Onslaught was added, providing increased movement and attack speed when disabling an enemy. Even with that, it's still quite difficult to land the burst consistently. It's like a catch-22 situation: you need increased movement speed and quickness to land the Mace CC burst, but you also need to CC the target first to obtain the movement speed and quickness. Alternatively, you need to CC the target with another skill before attempting to land the Mace CC burst. When you do manage to land the Mace CC burst, you usually want to switch to another weapon with higher damage because the Mace auto attack chain is slow and deals minimal damage.


Do you guys make use of mace in any competitive modes, am I missing something?

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Tried a core stun build in pvp..mace/sheild/hammer. Think it had potential but I'm not very good. Skull crack is terrible to land! It should have a narrow but long hitbox like Torch 4. I like how you get a block on mace 3 so wielding a shield you have 2 blocks.  If you take shield master you can block twice the projectiles. Your blocks again adrenaline then Sheild bash Skull Crack swap to hammer and ragdoll some muthas. But, Mechanist mace feels the way ours should.  I pvp as dagger/shield/hammer CC spellbreaker now. I doubt any warrior will take MH mace over MH dagger though, now that all Warrior specs have access. 

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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So I was curious about Dagger Beserker primal burst..its not a big whoop! Started toying with Mace in PVE ... And found some synergy with a Barrier Berserker...MH Mace 3 OH Dagger 5...coupled it with the grand mastery trait for Barrier Stances. Also I think Mace 3 Daze sets up Dagger 4  extra damage for there not attacking.

Not a numbers guy and still need to tweak gear, But Im a sucker for a good meme spec or something functional and different from the copy and paste metabattle.

I would probably be better at the game if I just copied and pasted, but thats no fun! :)

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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