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Short and sweet warrrior staff request.


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If warrior staff turns out to be a healing weapon with healing burst, please make that burst a two parter:

1. first press preps the big heal.
2. second press detonates it.

If not manually detonated,   it'll do it on it's own after few seconds.

Reason for this being that warrior does not have strong heals in his utilities, so when swapping to non-healing weapon set he may be killing his team.
But with this change, if nothing major is happening, warr can pop the burst and leave it, swap to his dps set and the heal will detonate few seconds later.
If something happened after swapping weapons but prior to detonation - allies healed all is good.
If something happens after the detonation - well weapon swap back to staff won't be too far off by that point anyway.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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First of all being a flip skill would be behaviour that's completely different from any of our existing Bursts in the game. Very strange and unintuitive.

Second, that just seems like extra clunky gameplay steps when Fast Hands (and you'll probably have Fast Hands from lack of traitline options + Banner trait in Disc) puts you at 5s from swapping back anyway. 

Maybe instead of strange things like this Staff should just have a pulsing AOE heal on #5 or something that heals over time while you're on your other set. 

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