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My Personal Wishlist 2.0


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@Myror.7521 the thing is combat stimulant with tactical reload is just a very unhealthy design espec when TR got cd reduced to 40. I think it would be better if it didn't have ammo but instead it could be reused or smthn so u gain these boons but cooldown gets increased something like this. That way combat stimulant will still be usuable with other elites (not just with TR) and it'll properly balance it. 

Also break enchancement should just be reverted back to it's old ver - should deal dmg more dmg if boons are removed unblockable, maybe make it w/o animation instant and boom - skill is good in pvp

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@Aaron.1294 i mean yes u  right but while u gonna remove the ammo of this skill u would also remove the gain quickness while using it a second time part in of the skill and this would be not needed at all while U simply tourn down its First pulsing heal.

And yes to your seconds part ^^ its not Like i exactly say it in tha list allready 😉

Edited by Myror.7521
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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Aaron.1294 i just updated the entire list with this ideas:

Triggerguard: this Skill now gain 1 stability instead of Aegis for 2 Seconds. (Every Game mode)


Unshakeable Mountain: this traitline now heals yourself for 200 life every time you use the last ammo count instead on gain barrier. (PvP/WvW)


River's Flow: This skills increased incoming healing is reduced to 5% instead of 10% (PvP/WvW)


Combat Stimulant: The initial (First Pulse)  healing of this Skill is reduced to 1.500 (PvP/WvW)


Check them out and give me some Feedback 🙂

If you wanted to make Bladesworn completely unplayable, this would be the way to do it.

If, on the other hand, you wanted to make BS functional and balanced without relying on bloated sustain, then you need to compensate the nerfs with substantial buffs and reworks to other things.

Personally, I think unshakeable mountain should be reworked entirely to provide some other utility or function and get rid of the barrier spam.

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@Aaron.1294 sry for my missunderstanding just where playing while Reading it. You just right rework the Skill to a flip over one would Help like alot to make it balanced. Also in this way u would not loose its unique Mechanic. Just a good way to Balance at least its one build abit. I'll take your idea and makes some other nerfs and buff though it Just for QoL ^^

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@Aaron.1294 @CalmTheStorm.2364 I just listen to your Feedback and Just removed some not needed Changes, i still let the Stabi instead of Aegis to Trigger guard in cause i think some Stabi would help like a lot to get DT done. Also I found it pretty fair to remove the Aegis on it so you are still able to Counter Play it (as a team or also one Person)

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@CalmTheStorm.2364 also to your said things. To me Warrs engi like stuff should let us use something Like a big Axe Hammer and stuff cause you know? We are the Weapon master class xd! Maybe something Like this:

1: Let it stay as it is just and middle ranged AA Chain

2. Shoot 3 projectiles that explode (the rilfe move)

3. Ground targed. gain Aegis and jump though your enemy to daze them in AoE for 2  Seconds (depends on enemys get Hit) (Big Hammer Leap)

4. Block 3 attacks and Knock enemys away in a 180 range (shield)

5. Hard hit your enemy infront of you and dodge backwards

I gues this would Take tons of time to do but I rly would enjoy this ...... but yea juuuust opinion and also  nothing to do with the Balance n stuff ^^




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On 7/7/2023 at 2:04 PM, Myror.7521 said:

@oscuro.9720 so this would end up in break Enchantments doing 5 boon removes and If you remove 5 it will make a boons 5 Seconds reduced boon durarion to enemys right? Idk how to think about it. Still thinking break Enchantments should Deal dmg (to make it useable for PvP instead of lets say Bullscharge). How ever i could see Bring the disenchantment Effekt Back somewhere else. Maybe on sight beyond sight and imminent threat just to make this 2 skills acutually useable.


It’s original effect prevented new boons from being applied to you iirc? So a 5 second period where they are unable to gain new boons.

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